出版时间:2000-6-1 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 作者:A.P.R.Howatt 页数:394
《牛津应用语言学丛书:英语教学史》是一部全面介绍英语语言教学史的学术著作,初版于1984年,1997年已印刷6次;作者A·P·R·豪厄特是爱丁堡大学语言学系的高级讲师。 本书内容概括了英语教学的整个发展过程,覆盖的历史年代上至文艺复兴、下至当代。作者介绍了作为第二语言的英语教学的起源,回顾了17-18世纪的英语教学材料,如拼写读本、早期的教学语法、会话材料等,介绍了1700年以后英语教学在欧洲的普及、语法翻译教学法等。作者最后还论述了应用语言学对语言教学的影响以及英语教学交际法的起源等。 作者在整体构思上颇具匠心,不但精心选择有关史料、构划篇章安排,而且提供了英语教学史年表、附上了将近30幅插图、列举了长达21页的参考书目,从而使读者能在有限的篇幅内了解英语教学史发展的全貌,为读者研究英语语言教学史提供了一本详尽、实用、具有较高阅读价值的参考书。
List of illustrationsAcknowledgementsNote on spellingPrefacePart one practical language teaching to 18001 the early years2 'Refugiate in a strange country': the refugeelanguage teachers in elizabethan london3 towards 'the great and common world'4 guy miege and the second huguenot exile5 the spread of english language teaching in europepart two on 'fixing' the language6 introduction7 two proposals for orthographical reform in thesixteenth century:the work of john hart, chester heraldrichard mulcaster's elementarie8 early pedagogical grammars of english for foreignlearners:ben jonson's english grammarjohn wallis's grammatica linguae anglicanae9 'things, words, and notions'10 thelanguage'fixed':latin schools and english schoolsswift's proposal for a british academytowards standard englishpart three language teaching in the nineteenthcenturyoverview11 the grammar-translation method:introductionthe grammar-translation method and theschools: some anglo-german contraststhe grammar-translation method and adultlanguage teaching: the 'practical approach' ofahn and ollendorff12 individual reformers:overview'all is in all': jean joseph jacototthe rational method of claude marcelthomas prendergast's 'mastery system'francois gouin and the 'series'13 the reform movement:introductionthe principles of reformthe klinghardt experimentthe role of phoneticsthe work of henry sweet: an applied linguisticapproach14 natural methods of language teaching frommontaigne to berlitzpart four the making of a professionsection 1 overview of english language teachingsince 190015 the teaching of english as a foreign or secondlanguage since 1900: a survey:laying the foundations (1900-1922)research and development (1922-1939)consolidation (1945-1960)change and variation since 1960section 2 essays in the history of englishlanguage teaching since 190016 harold e. palmer:palmer's life and workpalmer's methodology17 choosing the right words:michael west and the new methodthe basic issuecarnegie and after18 old patterns and new directions:a. s. hornby and the post-war consensusthe impact of applied linguisticsthe notion of communicationepilogue:on rational and natural approaches tolanguage teachinga chronology of english language teachingbiographical notesappendix:language teaching must start afresh !' a translation ofwilhelm vietor's der sprachunterricht mussumkehren!bibliographyindex
Although he is best known as a teacher of Italian, Florio also claimed to be a teacher of English as a foreign language. Presumably his students were drawn from the small but not insignificant group of Italian refugees resident in London. Both his Fruits were advertised as double-manuals, and in the First he took his English-teaching role seriously enough to include an Italian-Language summary of linguistic points, mainly concerned with English spelling and pronunciation. In the Second Fruits, to be gathered of twelve trees of divers but delightsome tastes to the tongues of Italians and Englishmen',he is less convincing. There are no linguistic notes and he attaches a list of six thousand proverbs in Italian without any attempt at an English gloss, which he called rather fancifully Il Giardino di Ricreatione (Garden of Recreation). In the First Fruits Florio starts out with some practical dialogues giving examples of 'familiar speech' which are followed by a series of less successful conversations into which he weaves as many proverbs, golden sayings, mottoes, and the like as he can. In the latter half of the book he adopts a more serious tone and the discussions range over such matters as peace and war, fortune, beauty, virtue, and so on. One of the less expected strands in Florio's work is his dislike of England. How serious he was in his criticisms is difficulz LO teii, but he seems to have felt a sense of grievance at the hostility shown to him and other foreigners by the local population. These attacks were resented and he paid dearly for them in an incident which we shall come to shortly. Second Fruits is more calculated to appeal to his new aristocratic patrons, the Earl of Southampton and his friends. The puritanical streak of the earlier book is missing and there are many scenes depicting riding, tennis, card games, fencing, and so on. It is full of gossip and thyming couplets extolling the joys of love and the beauty of women. Although there are some useful dialogues providing the language needed for a tour of Italy, much of the material feeds the author's insatiable appetite for proverbs as this very short extract from'Dialogue 9 shows: What is become of your neighbour? As old as you see him. He hath of late wedded a young wench of fifteen years old. Then he and she will make up the whole Bible together, I mean the new and old testament. To an old 'at, a young mouse Old flesh makes good. ……