
出版时间:1999-5  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:董亚芬  页数:269  


  《大学英语》是根据国家教育委员会审定批准的《大学英语教学大纲(文理科本科用)》编写的一套系列教材,分精读、泛读、听力、快速阅读、语法与练习五种教程,于1986年出版试用本,1992年出版正式本。  本教材的精读、泛读、快速阅读和听力教程各按分级教学的要求编写六册,每级一册,供1-6级使用;语法与练习编写四册,供1_4级使用。精读与听力教程均配有教师用书和录音磁带;泛读教程配有教师用书。对低于大纲规定入学要求的学生,另编预备级精读、泛读教程各两册。全套教材由复旦大学、北京大学、华东师范大学、中国人民大学、武汉大学和南京大学分工编写,复旦大学董亚芬担任总主编。前大学外语教材编审委员会综合大学英语编审组的全体成员对这套教材的设计与编写自始至终给予关注。  这次修订是在广泛听取全国各地使用本系列教材的教师们的意见并通过问答卷形式向数以万计的师生征求意见的基础上进行的。第一届大学外语教学指导委员会综合大学英语组对本教材的修订提供了多方面的指导与帮助。修订的宗旨是“面向21世纪,将大学英语教学推上一个新台阶”。修订时根据各教程的具体情况,对课文作适当调整,提高大纲词汇的覆盖率和常用词汇的重现率,进一步完善练习,突出重点词语的操练;同时加强各教程间的横向联系,做到既自成体系又相互补充,形成整体。修订本更加注意文、理、工、农、医等各科的通用性,力求给学生打好“宽、厚、牢”的语言基础。  《大学英语》泛读教程由北京大学英语系大学英语教研室负责编写。张砚秋担任主编,王岷源担任主审。第五册由朱荔、麻乔志、解又明、胡之琏、沈贤志等同志参加编写。本教程承美国专家John Alton、Allan Brown教授、Sara Kenney以及英国专家Antho-ny Ward协助审阅。1996年修订时,澳大利亚专家Tony Gallagher也协助审阅。  由于时间仓促,编者水平与经验有限,教材中难免还有不尽如人意之处,希望广大读者批评指正。




UNIT 11.How to Be a Patient Person2.Snapshot of a Dog3.Is Speed Reading Overrated?UNIT 24.I Gave My Word to Become Educated5.Women and the Vote6.HollywoodUNIT 37.The Power of a Good Name8.White.Collar Confession(I)9.White.Collar Confession(II)UNIT410.Long Walk to Freedom11.Crime-Busting Computers12.“I Wants to Go to the ProseUNIT513.Home,Sweet(and Sour)Home14.The Egalitarian Error15.A Family Who Nurtured a SuperstarUNIT616.Grant and Lee17.On Friendship18.If You Had to Kill Your Own HogUNIT 719.I Went to 0xford20.Hiking the Appalachian Trail21.The Future of International CommunicationsUNIT822.The Best of Times,the Worst of Times23.Heritage of Freedom(I)24.Heritage of Freedom(II)UNIT925.Solve That Problem with Humor26.The Money27.Self.Esteem:The Myth of Feeling Good About OneselfUNIT1028.The Legacy of D-Day29.Travels with Charley30.A Chinese in Colonial AustraliaGlossaryKey to T or F and MC Questions


  There was in his world no such thing as the impossible. Even deathcouldnt beat him down. He died, it is true, but only, as one of his admirerssaid, after“straight-arming the death angel”②for more than an hour. Lateone afternoon he wandered home, too slowly and too uncertainly to be theRex that had trotted briskly homeward up our avenue for ten years. I thinkwe all knew when he came through the gate that he was dying. He hadapparently taken a terrible beating, probably from the owner of some dogthat he had got into a fight with. His head and body were scarred. Hisheavy collar with the teeth-marks of many a battle on it was awry; some ofthe big brass studs in it were sprung loose from the leather. He licked at ourhands and, staggering, fell, but got up again. We could see that he waslooking for someone. One of his three masters was not at home. He did notget home for an hour. During that hour the bull terrier fought against deathas he had fought against the cold, strong current of Alum Creek, as he hadfought to climb twelve-foot walls. When the person he was waiting for didcome through the gate, whistling, ceasing to whistle, Rex walked a few un-stable paces toward him, touched his hand with his muzzle, and fell downagain. This time he didnt get up.



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