
出版时间:1996-12  出版社:上海外语教育出版社,上海外语教育出版社  作者:诺顿梅德明  页数:156  


《展望未来》中级教程具有以下一些特点:    可供选用的录像带一盒,内容由源于英国和美国的戏剧片、动画片和记录片等可视资料构成。    采用一套明确、实用的交际教学法,配以《教师用书》所供的教题培训材料。    提供一份按欧洲委员会修订并扩充的WAYSTAGE和THRESHOLD规定所制定的教学大纲,这份教学大纲强调使用日常生活中的真实英语。


1 Points of view 各抒已见
2 Making the grade 努力达标
3 At your service! 为您效劳
4 Well-travelled 浪迹天涯
5 Just the job 如此工作
6 Sport 体育世界
7 A helping hand 助人为乐
8 Money 钱之祸福
9 In the news 新闻报道
10 The older the better 古旧为贵
11 Against the odds 成败之际
12 New cultures 新奇文化
13 Mysteries 未解之迷
14 Future perfect? 未来完美吗?
15 Memories 回首往事


  7 Another way that Matt creates a sense ofdrama is through sentence length.Most of the sentences in the extract are long andquite complex. What effect does the sentence Wellit did. have on the dramatic impact of the passage?  8 Matt also uses the technique of suspense. Heseems to leave us at the point where we dontknow what happens next.Then it was the horrifying experience of beingswept completely out of control, with our raftupside down, down the Brahmaputra to we knewnot what fate.  What do you think happened next?  SPEAKING  9 Work in pairs.  Decide how to impress your partner by makingyour text below more dramatic, Choose yourvocabulary carefully and vary the sentence length.When you tell your story make sure you make itsound dramatic and exciting.  Student A:I was in the desert in a land roverwhen there was a sandstorm. The storm blew theland rover over and we jumped out. The sand wentin my eyes and mouth, in fact it went everywhere.It was difficult to breathe. I thought I was going tosuffocate (die because I had no air to breathe). Iwrapped a scarf around my head. The stormfinally stopped after twelve hours and we wererescued by some Tuaregs.  Student B: I was in a small plane. Suddenly wehit a storm and the plane was shaken about forabout five minutes. Everybody was frightened andscreaming except for me. The pilot said he was outof control. The engine stopped and we started todive (go down fast). Luckily the engine started andthe pilot managed to land safely at the airport.


  是一套分成四个等级的英语教材。本教材旨在将学生的英语水平从初级阶段提高到能参加“剑桥第一证书”的预考阶段。  可供选用的录像带一盒,内容由源于英国和美国的戏剧片、动画片和记录片等可视资料构成。  采用一套明确、实用的交际教学法,配以《教师用书》所提供的教师培训材料。  提供一份按欧洲委员会修订并扩充的Waystage和Th reshoId规定所制定的教学大纲,这份教学大纲强调使用日常生活中的真实英语。  为参加Threshold修订级剑桥大学考试的考生提供综合性的应考准备。自始至终系统培养学生在语法、功能性语言、词汇、应用技能、语音等方面的综合能力。  注重培养学生的表达能力,其中包括培养他们的功能性与创造性的写作能力。不间断地提供机会,对多种文化进行比较。  定期的“进度检查”部分着重检查学生对语法、语言功能和词汇的掌握情况。“对讲”部分提供使人感兴趣的活动,以便学生开展更为自由的讨论,同时也促使学生进行真实的交际,提高他们在口语表达时的流利程度。  每单元中的“语言规则参考”部分,内容简明扼要。  提供英美文学作品的摘要。  《练习册》中的“自学”部分有助于学生提高学习技能。  《练习册》中的短篇故事有助于促使学生进行泛读。  “练习册录音带”含主要用词。  《展望未来》中级教程的全套教材含:  学生用书、练习册、教师用书、课堂用录音带、练习册录音带。




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