
出版时间:2001-8  出版社:上海外教  作者:本社  页数:126  


  《大学英语》是根据国家教育委员会审定批准的《大学英语教学大纲(文理科本科用)》编写的一套系列教材,分精读、泛读、听力、快速阅读、语法与练习五种教程,于工986年出版试用本,1992年出版正式本。  本教材的精读、泛读、快速阅读和听力教程各按分级教学的要求编写六册,每级一册,供1-6级使用;语法与练习编写四册,供1-4级使用。精读与听力教程均配有教师用书和录音磁带;泛读教程1-6级也配有教师用书。对低于大纲规定入学要求的学生,另编预备级精读、泛读教程各两册。全套教材由复旦大学、北京大学、华东师范大学、中国人民大学、武汉大学和南京大学分工编写,复旦大学董亚芬担任总主编。前大学外语教材编审委员会综合大学英语编审组的全体成员对这套教材的设计与编写自始至终给予关注。  这次修订是在广泛听取全国各地使用本系列教材的教师们的意见,并通过问卷形式对数以万计的师生征求意见的基础上进行的。大学外语教学指导委员会综合大学英语组对本教材的修订提供了多方面的指导与帮助。修订的宗旨是“面向2工世纪,将大学英语教学推上一个新台阶”。修订本根据各教程的具体情况,对课文作适当调整,提高大纲词汇的覆盖率和常用词汇的重现率,进一步完善练习,突出重点词语的操练;同时加强各教程间的横向联系,做到既自成体系又相互补充,形成整体。修订本更加注意文、理、工、农、医等各科的通用性,力求给学生打好“宽、厚、牢”的语言基础。  《大学英语》听力教程由华东师范大学大学外语教学部负责编写。虞苏美、李慧琴担任主编。参加第一、二册编写和录音编制的有关肇远、毛士国和武凝秋,参加第三至六册的有关肇远、吴稚倩和武凝秋。杨霞华担任主审。本教程还承澳籍专家JaneCrawford和ElizabethCraven以及英籍专家AnthonyJ.Ward协助审阅。本书为听力教程修订本第一册教师用书,供大学英语教师使用,美籍专家JohnParker对本教程的修订计划提出了宝贵意见。参加修订本编写的有虞苏美、李慧琴和关肇远。全部插图由关肇远绘制。录音由武凝秋参加编制。上海外语教育出版社的编辑同志在付梓前仔细编审,精心设计,给予我们很大帮助和促进。谨此一并致谢。  由于编者水平与经验有限,教材中难免还有不足之处,希望广大读者批评指正。  本书录音磁带由上海外语音像出版社出版发行。  编者  1997年3月




LESSON 1 Greetings and Introductions(Ⅰ)PART A Micro.ListeningPhoneticsSound RecognitionPART B Macro.ListeningDialogue 1HelloDialogue 2Mf Li Meets a StudentPART C Oral PracticeLESSON 2 Greetings and Introductions(Ⅱ)PART A Micro-ListeningPhoneticsSound RecognitionPART B Macro.ListeningDialogueIm Glad to KnOW YOUPassageI Have a Lot 0f FriendsPART C Oral PracticeLESSON 3 Meeting People(Ⅰ)PART A Micro.ListeningPhoneticsSound RecognitionPART B Macro.ListeningDialogue 1 May I Know Your Name?Dialogue 2 Windy,Isn’t It?PART C Oral PracticeLESSON 4 Meeting People(Ⅱ)PART A Micro.ListeningPhoneticsSound RecognitionPART B Macro-ListeningDialogue Im So Happy to See YouPassage Old Friends MeetPART C OralPracticeLESSON 5 Daily ActivitiesPART A Micro-ListeningPhoneticsSound RecognitionPART B Macro-ListeningDialogue 1 Im Going for a walkDialogue 2 You Are Asking a Lot of Questions 70nightPART C Oral PracticeLESSON 6 Daily Activities(Ⅱ)PART A Micro-ListeningPhoneticsSound RecognitionPART B Macro-ListeningPassageLook at Peter’s RoomDialogue The Telephone Is RingingPART C Oral PracticeQUIZ 1LESSION1-LESSON 6LESSON 7 Offering Help(Ⅰ)PART A Micro-ListeningThe AlphabetPART B Macro-ListeningDialogue 1 Is This a Travel Agency?Dialogue 2 Do You Think You Can Help Me?PART C Oral PracticeLESSON 8 Offering Help(Ⅱ)PART A Micro-ListeningNumbersCardinalsPART B Macro-ListeningDialogue Can You Help Us?PassageCan We Help You?PART C Oral PracticeLESSON 9 Asking the Way(Ⅱ)PART A Micro-ListeningNumbersOrdinalsPART B Macro-ListeningDialogue 1 Im a Stranger HereDialogue 2 Where Is the Grand 7heater?PART C 0ral PracticeLESSON 10 Asking the Way(Ⅱ)PART A Micro.ListeningSentence StructureGeneral QuestionsPART B Macro.ListeningDialogueLet’s Go to the Korean RestaurantPassage 11 Show You the WayPART C oral PracticeLESSON 11Study(Ⅰ)PART A Micro-ListeningIntonation Rising and Falling TonesPART B Macro-ListeningDialogue 1 What Are You Majoring in?Dialogue 2 How Many Languages Do You SpeatPART C Oral PracticeLESSON 12 Study(Ⅱ)PART A Micro-ListeningSentence StructureSpecial QuestionsPART B Macro-ListeningDialogue Im Always Nervous in ClassPassagePolly Went to SchoolPART C Oral PracticeQUIZ 2LESSON 7-LESSON12LESSON 13 Apologies(Ⅱ)PART A Micro-ListeningNumbers Teens and TensPART B Macro-ListeningDialogue 1 It Wasnt My MistakeDialogue 2 This Isnt the FirstTimePAR7 C Oral PracticeLESSON 14 Apologies(Ⅱ)PART A Micro-ListeningNumbers3-4 Digit NumbersPART B Macro-ListeningDialogueDO You Know That Name?PassageSorry.I Can’t Accept ItPART C Oral PracticeLESSON 15 Shopping(Ⅰ)PART A Micro-Listening ....。....。......NumbersSizes and PricesPART B Macro-Listening ........。.....。。Dialogue 1HOW Much Is That Dress?Dialogue 2We Have Many for YOU to Choose fromPART C Oral PracticeLESSON 16 Shopping(Ⅱ)PART A Micro-ListeningPhoneticsLiaisonPART B Macro-ListeningDialogue That’s a BargainPassageBack in FashionPART C Oral PracticeLESSON 17 Seeing the Doctor(Ⅰ)PART A Micro-ListeningNumbersYearsPART B Macro-ListeningDialogue 1 What’s the Matter with You?Dialogue 2 What Seems to Be the Trouble?PART C Oral PracticeLESSON 18 Seeing the Doctor(Ⅱ)PART A Micro-ListeningIntonationSentence StressPART B Macro-ListeningDialogue Doctor,Please Help Me!PassageJust Continue:Taking the Medicine I Prescribed Last TimePART C Oral PracticeQuiz 3LESSON13-LESSON18


  1.TapescriptThere was a businessman who always tried to pay as little as possible for what he needed.One day he feli11.Hedecided to go to a doctor and asked a friend to recommend one。DrSmith iS a good one。the friend told him.‘Is he expensive?the businessman asked.Yes and no.He charges five hundred dollars for the first visit,but onlytwenty.five dollars for each visit after that.  2.That seems reasonable,the businessman said,and went to visit DrSmith.As he walked into the consulting.room,he said,Well,here I am A.GAIN,and put twenty.five dollars on the table.The doctor looked at him carefully for a moment,then smiled and put themoney into the drawer of his desk.Thank you,he said.And what can I d0for you today?Examine me,of course,the businessman said。and tell me what’s wrong with me.Oh,there’s no need for me to examine you AGAIN,the doctor said. Just continue taking the medicine I prescribed for you when you came to me last time.’II.Language and Culture Notes Yes and no is a reply to a question when you cannot give a definite answer be. cause there are several different possible answers which are all partly true.III.Exercises with Key 1.Direct ions:Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each ques.tion you hear.(10 points)1)What happened to the businessman one day?



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