出版时间:2001-9 出版社:北京理工大学出版社 作者:李鹏飞 页数:356 字数:472000
本书是北京理工大学承担编写的北京市高校重点立项教材《大学本科生高年级专业英语系列教程》(机电工程类)分册,另两册为(电子信息类和化学化工类)。 该系列教材的机电工程分册是为机械制造,机电工程和工程力学等类专业本科生在学过错大学英语四级后,进一步巩固和提高英语水平,特别是提高阅读综合科技书刊及本专业英文资料的能力而编写的,既可作这些专业学生专业英语阅读课的教材,也可供其他专业的读者进行阅读提高使用。 本书共分为15个单元,含45篇课文。总阅读量约为100,000词左右,课文后面编有系统的练习可供课堂教学使用。本书设有6个写作教学专题,以期对本书的使用者在科技论文写作方面给予一定指导。
UNTT 1 text A what is manufateuring? text B the production turn and types text C management can make manufacturing UNTT 2 txet A manufacturing firms face the future txet B producion Quality txet C a systems qpproach to TQMUNTT 3 text A roving other worlds by remote text B biue collar bobots text C designing secure Intranets writing guide i how to write an outline for a seientific paper UNTT 4 text A getting a hold on mechatronics text B progress ing matal cutting and machone tools text C the learnig company UNTT 5 text A fundamentals of manufacturing accuracy text B steps to Improvement text C focusing theough the lnformation fog writing guide II how to write an abstract for a scientific paper UNTT6 text A principles of newonian mechanics text B 2015 vicion text C mainterance strategies UNTT 7 text A car manufactruing:lightening steel text B automobile and art text C history of automobiles wrirting guide III how to write an adstract for a scientific paper(II) UNIT 8UNIT 9UNIT 10UNIT 11UNIT 12UNIT 13UNIT 14UNIT 15Appendix I key to exerciese of the tscts Appendix Ⅱvocabulary list corresponing to the texts in respective units Appendix Ⅲvocabulary ilst in alphabetical order for the whole book