
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:东北财经大学出版社  作者:车丽娟 等  




CHAPTER ONE  Part I  Text The Nature of Business    参考译文  企业特征  Part Ⅱ  Reading for Communicative Tasks    Products and Services产品和服务CHAPTER TWO  Part I Text The Forms of Business Ownership    参考译文  企业所有权形式  Part Ⅱ  Reading for Communicative Tasks    Business Meetings商务会议CHAPTER THREE  Part I Text The Managerial Process    参考译文  管理过程  Part Ⅱ  Reading for Communicative Tasks    Systems and Processes系统和过程CHAPTER FOUR  Part I Text  Creating an Organization    参考译文  组织的创立  Part Ⅱ Reading for Communicative Tasks    Company and Its Organization公司及其组织CHAPTER FIVE  Part I Text  Operations Management    参考译文  经营管理  Part Ⅱ Reading for Communicative Tasks    Plans and Arrangements计划和安排CHAPTER SIX  Part I Text Human Resources Management    参考译文  人力资源管理  Part Ⅱ  Reading for Communicative Tasks    Nationality and Occupations国籍与职业CHAPTER SEVEN  Part I Text  Marketing Mana~mem    参考译文  营销管理  Part Ⅱ  Reading for Communicative Tasks    Marketing and Sales市场推销与销售CHAPTER EIGHT  Part I Text Promotional Strategies    参考译文  推销策略  Part Ⅱ  Reading for Communicative Tasks    Business Travel商务旅行CHAPTER NlNE  Part I Text Channels of Distribution    参考译文  销售渠道  Part Ⅱ  Reading for Communicative Tasks     Using the Telephone使用电话CHAPTER TEN  Part I Text  Financial Management    参考译文  财务管理  Part Ⅱ  Reading for Communicative Tasks    Trends and Results趋势和结果CHAPTER ELEVENt  Part I Text  Risk Manageme and Insurance    参考译文  风险管理和保险  Part Ⅱ Reading for Communicative Tasks    Introductions and Greetings介绍和问候CHAPTER TVVELVE  Part I Text  Accounting    参考译文  会计  PartⅡ  Reading for Communicative Tasks    Business Letters商业书信CHAPTER THlRTEEN  Part I Text  Government Assistence,Regulation and Taxation    参考译文  政府扶助、法规和税收  PartⅡ  Reading for Communicative Tasks    Marketing Information,Invitation Cards and Letters    of Invitaion    市场信息报告、请帖和邀请函CHAPTER FOUFITEEN  Part I Text  International Business    参考译文  国际商务  Part Ⅱ  Reading for Communicative Tasks    Import and Export进口与出口



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