
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:首都师范大学出版社  作者:何向明  页数:165  






Chapter 1  IntroductionChapter 2 The Research PaperChapter 3  Analysis of a Sample B.A.ThesisChapter 4  Set up a ScheduleChapter 5  Choose and Limit a General SubjectChapter 6 Locate General Information on Your Topic and Read to Refine It FurtherChapter 7  Make a Working BibliographyChapter 8  Read Again to Develop a Tentative Thesis Statement and OutlineChapter 9 Take Datailed NotesChapter 10 Revise the Tentative Thesis Statement and Preliminary OutlineChapter 11 Write the Rough Draft of Your PaperChapter 12 Use Relevant Sources in Your PaperChapter 13 Use Notes When NecessaryChapter 14 Revise and Edit Your Rough DraftChapter 15 Prepare the Final List of Works Cited (Bibliography)Chapter 16 Typing Format:a Sample MLA PaperChapter 17 The APA Style:Writing in the Social SciencesAppendix A Commonly Used AbbreviationsAppendix B Shortened Forms of Selected Publishers'Names


Chapter 1 IntroductionCollege or university students of English in China are required bythe State Program of English Education to produce a thesis as partialfulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts inEnglish.This is usually done in their senior year.The purpose ofwriting a thesis is to demonstrate both the students'comprehensiveability of using their target language for academic purposes and theirpractical competence of conducting research on the elementary level.These two points are inseparably related in the said case becausemastery of the target language is the essential task for a student of flforeign language.while command of the basic research skills in thestudent's special field is an important part of the ultimate aim of ourcollege education.The word thesis refers to a relatively long paper written on thebasis of some academic research and for the purpose of obtaining acollege or university degree.In other words,it is a degree-orientedresearch paper.That is why the B.A.thesis is sometimes called thesenior research paper.





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