出版时间:2004-12 出版社:东华大学出版社 作者:周邦友 编 页数:500 字数:576000
There is a Chinese proverb that says: "a workman must first sharpen his tools if he wants to do his work well. "As English majors,or just lovers of the English language, we should know how to put the skills we learn into practice. The purpose of this book, Practical English Writing, is to teach us how to use the English we have learned in the proper contextso that we can communicate effectively. "Practical English" is not a special English vocabulary. It is a straightforward English used in everyday work situations. Practical writing communicates specific and factual information to a defined audience for a defined purpose. The information is useful in nature,and this is what makes practical writing differ from writing fiction,for example. Practical writing is based on the principle that writing is a purposeful process involving discovery, precision in thought and language, and sensitivity to the audience. It emphasizes how writers think, explains how writing affects promising writers, and offers clear guidance in the writing process. Found in any form of written communication, practical writing varies from language to language. But they all have one thing in common: form and content. So far as practical English writing is concerned, Chinese learners of English should keep in mind that practical English writing is somewhat different from practical Chinese writing.
教育部高教司近年修订颁布的《高等学校英语专业教学大纲》增设了英语应用文写作课程,并将其列为英语专业低年级的选修课。这充分说明了开设该课程对培养复合应用型外语人才的必要性。然而,目前尚无用英文编写的教材,为此我们编写了这本《英语应用文写作》。 该书分门别类地阐述了英语应用文的语言特点,写作技巧,文体式样,表现手法及行文规范。全书共分为:英语应用文语言特征,书信基本知识,各类书信写法及范例,文秘工作,对外宣传,法律文书,论文写作,个人档案,英语笔记,标点符号等10部分,均配有范文。集系统性,知识性、实用性与操作性为一体,可作为英语专业本科生,专科生和自学考试学生的教材。也可作为广大涉外工作者,英语爱好者,中级英语读者以及硕士研究生考试应试者的参考书。
PrefacePart 1 General Remarks on Practical English Writing 1.1 Definition of Practical Writing 1.2 Appropriateness and Accuracy 1.3 Features of Practical English Writing 1.4 Principles of Practical Writing 1.5 Personal vs.Impersonal Constructions 1.6 Usage of the Past and Present 1.7 Pragraph CoherencePart 2 Letter Writing 2.1 An Introduction to Letter Writing 2.2 The Look of the Letter 2.3 The Elements of A Letter 2.4 Envelopes 2.5 Folding InsertingPart 3 Sample Letters and lllustrations 3.1 Invitation 3.2 Acceptance 3.3 Application 3.4 Cover Letter 3.5 Appointment Interview 3.6 Employment Letter 3.7 Rquest Inquiry 3.8 Refusal 3.9 Complaints 3.10 Adjustments 3.11 Apologies 3.12 Congratulations 3.13 Condolence Sympathy 3.14 Get-Well Letters 3.15 Thank-You Letters 3.16 Recommendation 3.17 Letter of Introduction 3.18 Letter of Insttruction ……Part 4 Secretarial WorkPart 5 Information and PublicityPart 6 Legal DocumentsPart 7 Personal InformationPart 8 Research PaperPart 9 Note TakingPart 10 Punctuation MarksBibliography
Notes on Writing: Your letter should be brief.You should avoid unnecessary explanations or asking the same questions in two different ways. Your writing should be specific.Some companies have hundreds of brochures dewing with their products and services.A vague request for information may not net you what you need.Ifyou do not know what other information might be a.variable or useful,you Can add,"I would appreciate any other information you think might be helpful." Reread your letter to see if your que~~ions are easy to answer.Most people sitting at information-supplying desks have too much mail and t00 little time. Use a subject line to quickly orient your reader:"Subject:cel lular phone service";"Re:airbag safety information."For simple or businesslike requests,no salutation is necessary;the subject line cRn stand Hone. W11en you have several requests.number them and place each one on a separate line from most to least important SO that the recipient Call tick off each item as it is responded to. Be precise about the information you want.such as mailing instructions for the return of a hard drive.The more precise requests you make,the more helpful is the information you receive. Do not be apologetic unless your request is time。consuming or difficult to supply.Avoid phrase like"I hope this is not too much trouble"and"Im sorry to inconvenience you."