
出版时间:2004-8  出版社:东华大学出版社  作者:张增健 编  页数:264  字数:300000  


《大学英语阅读教程》是为配合大学英语教学而编选的一套英语读物,共四册。    本书按题材分成10个单元,选文大多取自近年出版的英美报刊书籍,语言清新,体裁多样,有故事、随笔、杂感、短评、新闻报道等。在编选过程中,为确保原作的“真实性”,不随意改动原文,不作任何文字上的“加工”。    本书的每篇选文,都配有适量的阅读和翻译练习。“理解检测”,旨在提高学生语篇水平上的阅读理解能力,确保学生对整篇文章从主题思想到重要细节以至语言难点的全面理解。    “佳句试译”这一练习的设置,不仅着眼于为读者提供翻译实践的机会,因为所选的语句,大多是文章的精髓,也是难点所在,读者反复琢磨、玩味之余,自然会对文章有更深入的理解。    阅读应该是一种享受,而不该视为一种负担。享受阅读,寻求书中的逸趣,是学术求知的最高境界。愿本套丛书能成为当今大学生们的学习生活之友。


Unit One  Achievements and Expectations Reading 1  The Wonder of Flight Reading 2  What Produces Outstanding Science Students Reading 3  Elapsed ExpectationsUnit Two  Friendship and Kinship Reading 1  The Silent Friendships of Men Reading 2  The Friendship Bond Reading 3  We Remained Connected to the Ones We LoveUnit Three  Tending to Your Soul Reading 1  How to Cope with Criticism Reading 2  The Power of an Apology Reading 3  Spiritual Need for ConnectionUnit Four  Competence and Success Reading 1  Competeneies of the Stars Reading 2  A Best-selling Author and a Best-writing Authoi" Reading 3  The Transaction  Unit Five   The Color Line Reading 1  Black Men and Public Space Reading 2  For My Indian Daughter Reading 3  The Changing Faces of America:A New Generation Is Leading the WayUnit Six   Humor and Satire Reading 1  The Plot Against People Reading 2  Big White Reading 3  For Some, Time Is a Real LuxuryUnit Seven   From Generation to Generation Reading 1  The Millennials: The Next "Greatest Generation"? Reading 2  The Fittest Generation? Reading 3  Fear of DearthUnit Eight   Different Perspectives Reading 1  Back Down to Earth Reading 2   Valuable By-products of Space Re-search Reading 3  The End Is Not at HandUnit Nine  Crossing Cultural Lines Reading 1  Do's and Taboos : Cultural Aspects of International Business Reading 2  Big Blunders from Big Business Reading 3  Cigarette Makers See Future (It's in Asia)Unit Ten   Book Excerpts Reading 1  Love and Marriage Reading 2  By His Own Pen Reading 3  Our Family TherapyOur Family TherapyKey to Exercises



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