
出版时间:1999-4  出版社:青岛海洋大学出版社  作者:何筑丽 等  页数:306  字数:230000  


本书由20个单元组成,每个单元皆包括课文、词汇、注释和练习题四大部分。   本书选材既涉及到弗洛伊德学说等经典学说,又涉及到现代社会中与人类健康有关的问题,如胚胎的形成,头发与健康HIV以及克隆技术等。   本书编排科学新颖,表述通俗易懂,对读者从基础英语阅读到医学英语阅读的过渡必有很大帮助。


Unit 1 sigmund freud and his studiesUnit 2 hair and health Unit 3 what caused the plague of athensUnit 4 drug testing in the world of sportUnit 5 new ways to fight hair lossUnit 6 your best weapon against cancerUnit 7 cancer vaccinesUnit 8 the disease women should fearmostUnit 9 why we forgetUnit 10 communicable diseases associated with waterUnit 11 clones:will there be"carbon copy"peopleUnit 12 asbestos dust is a quiet and invisible killerUnit 13 the fascinating world of the unbornUnit 14 too big a heartUnit 15 medical software marvelsUnit 16 "why my babies?"Unit 17 down with high blood pressureUnit 18 a new drug that fights cholesterolUnit 19 in search of sightUnit 20 hiv in older adultsAppendix glossary



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