
出版时间:1992-1  出版社:河南大学  作者:麻保金,陈明发,  页数:382  字数:403000  


PrefacePart One Sentence Skills  1 Sentence Fragments    Ineffective Sentence Fragments    Legitimate Sentence Fragments  2 Run-on Sentences  3 Misplaced and Dangling Modiffiers    Misplaced Modifiers    Dangling Modifiers  4 Pronoun Reference    Ambiguous Reference    Weak Reference    Broad Reference  5 Parallelism    Value of Parallelism    Techniques Used in Gaining Parallelism    Avoidance of Faulty Parallelism  6 Unnecessary Shifts    Unnecessary Shifts in Voice or Subject    Unnecessary Shifts in Tense    Unnecessary Shifts in Mood    Unnecessary Shifts in Person or Number     Unnecessary Shifts in Discourse  7  Sentence Emphasis    Considering the Order of Words as a Means of Achieving Emphasis    Using the Voice that Is Most Emphatic and Appropriate    Putting Statements in Positive Form    Repeating Words. Structures, or Ideas for Occasional Emphasis    Omitting Unimportant Words    Making Use of Special Emphatic Sentence Patterns    Using Mechanical Devices for Emphasis  8  Sentence Variety    Varying the Beginning of Sentences    Varying the Kinds of Sentences    Varying the Length of Sentences  9  Coordination    Coordinating Conjunctions    Patterns of Coordination    Conjunctions and the Accompanying Punctuation in Compound Sentences    Avoidance of Excessive Coordination  10  Subordination    Subordination to Show the Emphasis of the Main Statement    Subordination to Avoid Choppy Sentences and to Break up Lengthy Compound Sentences    Ways of Subordination    Avoidance of Inverted Subordination    Avoidance of Excessive Overlapping of Subordinate    ……Part Two Writing Paragraphs  11  Internal Structure of a Paragraph  12  Developing the Paragraph  13  DictionAppendixesBibliography




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