出版时间:2006-12 出版社:上海中医药大学出版社 作者:卞卡 页数:363 字数:572000
Takehiko Watanabe was born in 1939 in Osaka, Japan. He graduated from Osaka University Medical School in 1963 and Graduate School of the same university and obtained Ph.D. in Department of Biochemistry in 1968. After two years as a research staff in this
Ⅰ.Introduction A.General Principles of Drug Actions B.Drugs Act on Biomolecules 1.Drugs acting specifically on biosubstances of higher molecular weight 2.Drugs acting non-specifically or physicochemically 3.Drugs for selective supplementation C.Drugs Have Divergent and Convergent Actions 1.A drug causes divergent effects 2.Drugs cause a convergent effect 3.Most drugs act in divergent and/or convergent mannerⅡ.Most Drugs Act on Proteins A.Enzymes 1.Enzymes involved in metabolism of bioactive substances 2.Enzymes involved in metabolism of constituents of the body 3.Enzymes involved in metabolism of microorganisms B.Receptors 1.G-protein-coupled receptors(GPCR) 2.Tyrosine kinase-coupled receptors 3.Cytoplasmic or intranuclear receptors C.Ion Channels 1.Ligand-gated ion channels(LGIC) 2.Voltage-dependent ion channels(VDIC) D.Transporters 1.Pumps 2.Ion transporters 3.Transporters of bioactive substances 4.Drug transportersⅢ.Drugs Have Divergent and Convergent Effects A.Drugs Used for Diseases of Digestive Systems 1.Drugs used for constipation(Cathartics, Laxatives, Purgatives) 2.Drugs used for peptic ulcers 3.Drugs used for nausea and vomiting(Antiemetics) 4.Drugs used for gastric hypokinetics(Prokinetic drugs) B.Drugs Used for Diseases of Cardiovascular Systems 5.Drugs used for lowering blood pressure(Antihypertensive drugs ) 6.Drugs used to increase urine volume(Diuretics) 7.Drugs used for treatment of angina pectoris 8.Drugs used for congestive heart failure 9.Drugs used for cardiac arrhythmia(Antiarrhythmic drugs) 10.Drugs used to suppress platelet activity(Antiplatelet drugs) 11.Drugs used for hypercholesterolemia(hyperlipidemia) 12.Drugs used for shock 13.Drugs used for anemia C.Drugs Used for Diseases of Inflammation and Immune Systems 14.Drugs used for bronchial asthma(including bronchodilators) 15.Drugs used for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis(Antirheumatoid drugs ) 16.Drugs used to suppress immune systems(Immunosuppressants) 17.Drugs used for pain, fever and inflammation(Analgesic antipyretic anti-inflammatory drugs) 18.Drugs used for gout D.Drugs Used for Diseases of Central Nervous Systems 19.Drugs used for Parkinson disease(paralysis agitans) 20.Drugs used for epilepsy(Antiepileptics, Antiseizure drugs) 21.Drugs used for depression(Antidepressants) 22.Drugs used for migraine 23.Drugs used for ischemic stroke E.Drugs Used for Infection and Cancer(Chemotherapeutic Drugs) 24.Drugs used for bacterial infection(Antibacterial drugs) 25.Drugs used for viral infection(Antiviral drugs) 26.Drugs used for fungal infection(Antifungal drugs) 27.Drugs used for cancer(Anticancer or antineoplastic drugs) F.Drugs Used for Diseases of Metabolism and Endocrine Systems 28.Drugs used for treatment diabetes mellitus 29.Drugs used for hyperthyroidism(Antithvroid drugs) 30.Drugs used for osteoporosis 31.Drugs used for obesity(Antiobesity drugs) G.Drugs Used for Diseases of Urogenital Systems 32.Drugs used for subfertility 33.Drugs used to affect uterine contraction 34.Drugs used for frequent urination of urinary incontinenceAcknowledgementsReferencesIndex and Abbreviations