
出版时间:1995-6  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:章振邦  页数:419  字数:355000  


《教程》初版原是一本语法教材,在编写时侧重于重点突出,便于教学,而对所给语法知识的系统性注意得不够。这次修订,经过大量的填平补齐,使本书既有实践性,又有系统性;既便于教学,又有一定的参考价值。为了便于查考,特在书后附录一个较详细的“索引”以及“语法术语英汉对照表”,使之更好地发挥参考作用。    《新编英语语法教程》(第二版)分为“学生用书”和“教师用书”。“教师用书”包括两大部分:(一)英文讲授提纲,(二)练习参考答案。英文讲授提纲是严格按照“学生用书”的章节顺序编写的,只是例句从略,或者为了行文方便或多或少附列少量例旬。因此,在使用时,应与“学生用书”相对照。英文讲授提纲的编写是为了满足教师用英语备课的需要,仅是参考性的,如有不足之处,请予指点改正。    练习参考答案,顾名思义,也是参考性的,因为不少练习题可有不同答案,而本书通常只给一种。还有一些练习题的答案虽然给了,但未说明所以然,在教学中还需进一步讲解。这就是说,虽然有了练习答案,教师仍有自行发挥的余地。只有少数练习的答案从略。


Part One Teaching Outline  Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy   0.1 Morphemes    0.2 Words    0.3 Phrases    0.4 Clauses    0.5 Sentences Lecture 1: Sentence Structure    1.1 Clause elements    1.2 Basic clause types and their transformation and expansion  Lecture 2: Subject-verb Concord (I)    2.1 Guiding principles    2.2 Problems of concord with nouns ending in -s    2.3 Problems of concord with collective nouns Lecture 3: Subject-verb Concord (II)    3.1 Problems of concord with subject containing coordinate forms    3.2 Problems of concord with expressions of quantity    3.3 Problems of concord with nominal clause as subject    3.4 Problems of concord in relative clause, cleft-sentence and existential sentence Lecture 4: Noun and Noun Phrase    4.1 Classification of nouns    4.2 Number forms of nouns    4.3 Partitives Lecture 5: Genitive Noun    5.1 Formation and meanings of genitive nouns    5.2 Independent genitive, post-genitive and double genitive Lecture 6: Determiners (I)    6.1 Collocations between determiners and nouns    6.2 Collocations between determiners    6.3 Comparative study of certain determiners Lecture 7: Determiners (II) --Articles    7.1 Generic and specific reference    7.2 Article usage Lecture 8: Pronouns (I)    8.1 Pronoun concord in number    8.2 Pronoun concord in gender    8.3 Pronoun concord in person Lecture 9: Pronouns (II)    9.1 Choice of pronoun case forms    9.2 Possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns and generic use of personal pronouns    9.3 Pronoun reference Lecture 10: Verb and Verb Phrase Simple Present and Simple Past  10.1 Classification of verbs   10.2 Simple present   10.3 Simple pastPart Two Key to Exercises




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