
出版时间:1989-09  出版社:北京农业大学出版社  


Book l
Unit l How to Improve Your Study Habits
Unit 2 Sailing Around the World
Unit 3 The Present
Unit 4 Tuming off T.V: A Quiet Hour
Unit 5 A Miserable, Merry Christmas
Unit 6 Sam Adams, Industrial Engineer
Unit 7 The Sampler
Unit 8 You Go Your Way, l'll Go Mine
Unit 9 The Brain
Unit 10 Going Home
Book 2
Unit 1 Is There Life on Earth?
Unit 2 The Dinner Party
Unit 3 Lessons From Jefferson
Unit 4 My First Job
Unit 5 The Professor And The Yo--Yo
Unit 6 The Making Of A Surgeon
Unit 7 There's Only Luck
Unit 8 Honesty: Is It Going Out of Style
Unit 9 What is intelligence Anyway?
Unit 10 Profits Of Praise
Book 3
Unit l A Brush With the Law
Unit 2 The Woman Who Would Not Tell
Unit 3 The Fantastic Spurt in Technology
Unit 4 Lady Hermits Who Are Down But Not Out
Unit 5 The Day Mother Cried
Unit 6 Why I Teach
Unit 7 The Shelter
Unit 8 Daydream A Little
Unit 9 The Shameful End of Hitler
Unit 10 Big Bucks the Easy Way
Book 4
Unit 1 A Day's Wait
Unit 2 Deer and the Energy Cycle
Unit 3 Why Do We Believe That the Earth is Round
Unit 4 Jim Thorpe
Unit 5 To Lie or Not to Lie -- The Doctor's Dilemma
Unit 6 How to Mark a Book
Unit 7 The Luncheon
Unit 8 The New Caves
Unit 9 Joumey West
Unit l0 Why People Work



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