
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:广东旅游出版社  作者:石本俊 等著  页数:394  


  我社于1999年出版了“实用英语书系丛书”,近10年来,该系列图书连年再版,成为深受读者欢迎的畅销书。但为了满足读者新的要求,我们特邀高校富有教学经验和实践经验的老师编写了一套新的丛书“新世纪实用英语培训系列”,将陆续推出《公关英语》、《商贸英语》、《交际英语》、《销售英语口语》、《金融银行英语》、《实用医学英语》等。  该系列整体层次比原“实用英语书系丛书”有较大的提升,其编写体例和内容则更适合专科学校和职业学校作为培训教材之用,也可供有需要的读者自学之用。


《销售英语口语》是新世纪实用英语培训系列教材之一。本教材是专门为大中专院校相关专业的师生、目前从事或准备从事商品销售工作的人员编写的。该教材也适合销售英语培训班学员或英语自学者使用。   教材共15个单元。内容包括玩具、服装、皮革制品、家用电器、家具、珠宝、工艺品、化装品、医药、食品与饮料、纸制品、古董、IT产品、乐器和个人交通工具15类商品。


  A Profile of Freeman Stone Freeman Stone.who graduated frOm Central China Normal Univer耐in the 1980s,has been an English teacher for more than 20 years.He now teaches at a large university in Guangdong Province,with a student body of l 2.000 plus.This is his second book from the same publishers and fulfills a dream of his to help students all over China who will enter the sales professions.


Toys玩具  Tips for Selling Toys销售玩具的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Clothing服装  Tips for Selling Clothing销售服装的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Leather Goods皮革制品  Tips for Selling Leather Goods销售皮革制品的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Electric Household Appliances家用电器  Tips for Selling Electric Household Appliances销售家用电器的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Furniture家具  Tips for Selling Fumiture销售家具的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Jewelry珠宝  Tips for Selling Jewelry销售珠宝的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Arts&Crafts工艺品  Tips for Selling Arts&Crafts销售工艺品的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训I练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Cosmetics化妆品  Tips for Selling Cosmetics销售化妆品的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Medicines医药  Tips for Selling Medicines销售医药的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Food&Beverages食品与饮料  Tips for Selling Food&Beverages销售食品与饮料的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Paper Goods纸制品  Tips for Selling Paper Goods销售纸制品的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Antiques古董  Tips for Selling Antiques销售古董的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展IT Products IT产品  Tips for Selling IT Products销售IT产品的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Musical Instruments乐器  Tips for Selling Musical Instruments销售乐器的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展Personal Vehicles个人交通工具  Tips for Selling Personal Vehicles销售个人交通工具的技巧  Speaking Skill Training口语技能训练  Speaking Skill Development口语技能扩展  Communicative Skill Development交际技能扩展  Vocabulary Development词汇扩展


  When selling furniture to foreign—ers,it is important to find out the usesfor the furniture before demonstratingor showing individual pieces.For ex—ample,a living room chair may need tocontrast in color or style the presentfurniture in a room.Your customer willtell you what use the piece will serveand you can then make a correct deci-sion about what to show them.D0 notshow too many pieces for a single useas your customer may not be able tochoose between many.It is better toask a few more questions and givethem Iess choices if the choices are thecorrect ones.  Most customers already know whatmaterials they want in the furniturethey want to buy.It is not profitable toshow artificiaI materials to a customerwho is looking for a classic piece.AI-ways enquire about the pieces theynow have in the room where they wishto put the new pieces.This will alsohelp the customer visualize the new piece with their own furniture._f youshow them something that will fit thestyle they already have.That will helpto close the sale with them.  If the customer asks for your sug—gestions about two similar pieces,it isbetter not to discuss price until theyseem to be comfortable with the piece’Ssuitability in the room they intend forit.Then when they are comfortable,you can discuss price.Do not alwayspush for the most expensive piece,butlet the customer choose.Then they willprobably ask if there is any discount.At that point,the sale becomes thesame as any other sale.  Sometimes,given two or morechoices,the furniture customer maychoose the most expensive,for rea—SOnS you are not aware of.Furniture issomething we show off to our guestsand our families.A foreigner may buythe most expensive piece in order toshow their success to others.They arenot always bargain hunting when theybuy furniture items.It is important toallow the foreign customer to talkthemselves into the better pieces.



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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   紧密贴切工作的主要用语,难度一般!
  •   感觉蛮好的!
  •   学习学习挺好的
  •   这本书对我来说,没什么用,范围太广啦。只是教了下销售用语,销售技巧一点都没有,就当加强英语口语咯
  •   没自己想的那么好,到现在还没看完,不够实用
  •   一般,不是很推荐买
  •   书太薄,内容也太空旷、枯燥!

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