
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:河南文艺出版社  作者:北京鲁迅博物馆 编  页数:229  字数:200000  


interesting phenomenon of the last several decades is the
regularity of the following scenario: a non-Chinese student sets
out to learn something about modern Chinese literature, and almost
invariably Lu Xun has been the first writer that he or she is
assigned to read. Lu Xun is commonly known as the father of modern
Chinese literature, and his works such as The True Story of Ah Q,
have been regarded as the canon of Chinese culture.


Early Youth
Teaching and Public Office
The Shanghai Decade
Family and Social Life


插图:Following the success of The Diary of a Madman, Lu continued publishingshort stories and experimenting with new literary styles, always striving to de-scribe society in vivid, critical detail. He combined foreign and traditional Chinese literary and non-literary techniques in creative ways. For example, he inno-vated a literary mode of character description based on "line drawing", a tech-nique frequently employed in ancient Chinese painting where the outline of a fig-ure was suggestively sketched with only a few strokes. Thus Lu's readers foundthemselves encountering at once both modern reality, as well as rediscoveringthe richness of traditional Chinese art and literature. Thematically, Lu Xun's worksoften explored perceptions of Chinese national characteristics, as in his novella,The True story of Ah Q, which offered satirical crosshatching of Chinese historyand contemporary foreign perceptions of the Chinese spirit. Such blending shockedand challenged readers during the early 20th century, and Lu Xun quickly gainedfame as an author.


《鲁迅画传(英文版)》:Huang Qiaosheng received his M.A. from Nanjing University in 1986. He is a curat-or of Beijing Lu Xun Museum, editor-in-chief of Lu Xun Research Monthly andsecretary-general of Chinese Associationfor Lu Xun Studies. His major works includeEnter Lu Xun's World (1995), The End ofTrials and Tribulations: the Three ZhouBrothers(1998), Looking Back at Lu Xun(ed.with Sun Yu, 22 volumes, 2001), Lu Xun andHu Feng(2003), Looking Back at ZhouZuoren (ed. with Sun Yu, 8 volumes, 2004).He also translated Bud, Not Buddy(1999), ACivil Action (2002) , Torn Jones (2004) andThe Life of Samuel Johnson (forthcoming).



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  •   原以为大部分是文章,图画是穿插进去的,但是到手才发现,原来大部分是图画,最后有几页是文章。不过还是把鲁迅先生的生平介绍得非常详细的,对我的论文有一定的作用。还有最后一点,就是价格有点贵,不过能学到知识,还是不错滴~

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