
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:吉林出版集团有限责任公司  作者:张微 著  页数:252  


  《酒店管理》参考多本国内外相关酒店管理教材,根据酒店业的运营特点,酒店的组织结构形式以及各部门管理经营的特色,采用专章形式进行全面、详尽的分析与论述,全面介绍了现代酒店业管理的各个层面,为读者提供了实用的酒店管理知识和地道的英文。  全书共由十二章构成。前三章为基础理论知识部分,着重介绍了酒店业发展历史、运营特色、以及酒店业的组织结构形式。第四章到第十一章分章阐述了酒店各部门的运作流程和具体的管理内容。第十二章从管理者的角度讲述了酒店管理的方法和策略。为巩固所学内容,《酒店管理》针对课文内容设计了各种题型练习,如简答,讨论,案例分析等。此外,部分课文后面提供了针对课文内容的翻译以及口语练习题,供学习者提高英语应用能力之用。  《酒店管理》适用于高校旅游或酒店英语专业学生使用,也可作为酒店管理者的参考书籍。


Chapter 1 General Introduction to Hotel Industry1.1 The History of the Hospitality Industry1.2 The Hospitality Industry1.3 Types of HotelsChapter 2 Corporate Structures and Concepts of Operation2.1 Corporate Structures2.2 Contract FormsChapter 3 Organizational Structure3.1 Job Specialization3.2 The Organization of a Lodging Establishment3.3 Patterns of Authority3.4 Span of Control3.5 The Hotel Staffing System3.6 Career Paths and OpportunitiesChapter 4 The Front Office4.1 Organization4.2 Reservations4.3 Registration4.4 Guest Services4.5 Telecommunications4.6 Night AuditChapter 5 Housekeeping5.1 The Role of the Housekeeping Department5.2 Staffing the Department5.3 Managing Housekeeping5.4 Facility Care and Cleaning5.5 LaundryChapter 6 Food and Beverage6.1 Structure and Staffing of the Food and Beverage Department6.2 Room Service Operations6.3 Banquet Operations6.4 Convention ServicesChapter 7 Sales and Marketing7.1 Sales and Marketing Department7.2 The Sales Staff7.3 Characteristics of a Successful Sales Department7.4 Marketing7.5 SalesChapter 8 Human Resources8.1 Introduction to Human Resource Department8.2 Functions of the Human Resources DepartmentChapter 9 Accounting and Controls9.1 Accounting9.2 Income control9.3 Budgeting9.4 Financial Statements: Structure and AnalysisChapter 10 Engineering Department10.1 Introduction to Engineering Department10.2 Staffing the Department10.3 Major Responsibilities10.4 Various Issues in EngineeringChapter 11 Safety and Property Security11.1 Director of Security11.2 Security Planning11.3 Emergency Plans11.4 Safety11.5 Hotel Inspection11.6 Accident InvestigationChapter 12 Leadership and Management12.1 Leadership12.2 Management12.3 General ManagerGlossaryAppendixBibliography



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