出版时间:2008年06月 出版社:南方出版社 作者:《英语学习辅导报》 编 页数:115 字数:100000
每篇阅读都给出难度系数和建议用时;每天只需花几分钟时间进行阅读训练,就可以大提高学生阅读的兴趣和速度,同时也达到与教材知识与学习互动的良好效果。 所有试题均为原创题,并与《英语学习辅导报》各版本阅读理解内容进行有效整合,达到了选票原创、新颖、实用的效果。 采用特殊的装订形式,便有课堂使用及自我检测。
Traffic rules(规则)in Hong Kong are the same as those in London.butdifferent from those in the interior(内地)of China.When you travel in HongKong,you must be careful because the traffic goes on the left.Before you crossthe street,you must look fight first,and then look left.If the traffic lights arered.the traffic must stop and people can cross the street on the zebra lines.Ifthe traffic lights turn green,the traffic can go,but people mustnt Crossthe road. In the morning and in the evening,when people go to or come back fromwork,the streets are very busy.And at this time the traffic is the mostdangerous.If you want to take a bus to go somewhere,you must be careful,too.You have to remember the traffic keeps on the left.Don’t hurry.Have alook first,or you may go wrong.In Hong K0ng,there are a lot of big buseswith two floors.If you sit on the second floor,you can watch the city verywell.It iS very interesting.
苏、广东、湖南、北京、山东、河北、辽宁、江西、湖北等全国十几个省数百名一线特、高级英语教师、教研员、英语教育专家联合精心策划、编写。 全国上百所知名重点中学学生试做,根据学生意见进行精心编写、确保精益求精的品质要求。 《英语学习辅导报》权威 专家审题把关、将素质教育与新课改精神有机结合,彰显丛书品牌内涵。