
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:哈尔滨出版社  作者:方雪梅 编译  页数:309  字数:440000  


“美丽英文”这一品牌书系创立至今已有三年时间,出版图书数十个品种,各种跟风、仿造版本更是不计其数。    “美丽英文全集”系列一套四本,汇集以前各种版本的精华,按照散文卷、故事卷、励志卷、哲理卷重新选目及编排。文章更精美,内容更系统,给您带来全新的阅读感受。


第一卷 感恩的心 善心可依 一杯牛奶的温暖 感恩的心 树下的男孩 感受异国的阳光 师恩如甘露 不只是一笔奖学金 你有钱包吗? 友好的报答 将爱放飞令爱永存 嗨,护士……谢谢你 情暖今生 生活中的“砖头” 另一种快乐 吉莱斯皮先生的天使 难忘的恶作剧 梅罗普的奖励 信守诺言 我爱您,妈妈 她未曾放弃我第二卷 大声说出你的爱 滚轴浪漫曲 遥望着你的爱慕者 终生的朋友 爱情不关机 无声的爱 大声说出你的爱 公共汽车上的乘客 爱的港湾 爱的时刻 爱的约会 来自天堂的玫瑰 成咖啡 蝶吻 爱如丝线 让爱重温的小港 平淡的爱 天底下最真挚的爱情 干不完的家务活第三卷 爱的小纸条 哥哥的心愿 神秘仰慕者 一盒子的吻 向爸爸买一小时 女儿的午餐袋 爱的小纸条 一个流浪汉的来访 爸爸的秘密 爱的遗赠 红红的小脸蛋 好运符——一张两美元钞票 蓝宝石项链 爱的礼物 天堂来信 与奶奶共舞 魔枕第四卷 微笑的世界 金光小屋 埃玛的鸭子们 搅水男孩 微笑的世界 友谊的故事 另类英雄 朋友就该这么做 你一定会有好运 爱如断臂 断翅 真正的勇气 看得见风景的房间 77美分 美丽的失误 谢谢第五卷 你的生命是个奇迹 追随梦想 追梦人 明尼苏达州的梦想家 为了心中的梦想 七美元的梦想 红木钢琴 你的生命是个奇迹 爱的奇效 实现梦想,永远不会太迟 我被法学院开除的日子 行走在梦乡


  The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young womanwith the white cane made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and, using herhands to feel the location of the seats, walked down the aisle and found the seat hed toldher was empty. Then she settled in, placed her briefcase on her lap and rested her caneagainst her leg.  It had been a year since Susan, thirty-four, became blind. Due to a medicalmisdiagnosis she had been rendered sightless, and she was suddenly thrown into a worldof darkness, anger, frustration and self-pity. Once a fiercely independent woman, Susannow felt condemned by this terrible twist of fate to become a powerless, helpless burden oneveryone around her. "How could this have happened to me? " she would plead, her heartknotted with anger.  But no matter how much she cried or ranted or prayed, she knew the painful truth hersight was never going to return. A cloud of depression hung over Susans once optimisticspirit. Just getting through each day was an exercise in frustration and exhaustion. And allshe had to cling to was her husband Mark.  Mark was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all of his heart. When she firstlost her sight, he watched her sink into despair and was determined to help his wife gainthe strength and confidence she needed to become independent again. Marks militarybackground had trained him well to deal with sensitive situations, and yet he knew this wasthe most difficult battle he would ever face.  Finally, Susan felt ready to return to her job, but how would she get there? She usedto take the bus, but was now too frightened to get around the city by herself. Markvolunteered to drive her to work each day, even though they worked at opposite ends of thecity.


  一滴水隐藏着大海的智慧,小故事蕴涵着人生大道理。  ◆如果你是一名大、中学生阅读《美丽英文全集》(故事卷),可以增加阅读量,提高英语学习能力。  ◆如果你是一位英语爱好者  阅读《美丽英文全集》(故事卷),可以一睹名作名篇的原文风采。  ◆如果你是一位翻译爱好者阅读《美丽英文全集》(故事卷),可以将原文和译文对比推敲,欣赏佳译。  ◆如果你是一名文学爱好者 阅读《美丽英文全集》(故事卷),可以欣赏优美的文字,体味人生。  生动的故事、寓意深刻的故事,更能打动。人,更能激发人。读一个好故事,讲一个好故事,每个人都有自己的故事人生。




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用户评论 (总计15条)


  •   寓哲理于故事,又学习了英文
  •   故事性不强,但教育性很强,可以读给小孩听
  •   很好的学习工具书,趣味性很强。
  •   已经看完了 真的不错
  •   故事选择都不错,而且有中文翻译,很适合朗读学习
  •   书不错,其中的很多故事也让人深有感触.
  •   有些故事挺感人的
  •   在书店看到这本书,因为没有折扣就上当当网购买了,结果很快拿到书,还有优惠.孩子很喜欢这本书,只是对英语不感冒,可能四年级太小了,英语看不懂,反正先看中文好了,英语可以以后再看嘛.
  •   可能已经过了读这个书的年龄,觉得最适合读这个书的年龄应该是初高中或大一大二的学生吧

  •   不过只适合中学生看,英语基础较好的人看会觉得提高不大。。。。故事倒还不错
  •   当初买这本书,是看到书里的故事标题挺吸引我的,买回来后,是全英文版的,而且没有PM3光盘,对于我这个初学者来说,看起来有点困难,还没时间认真去读。
  •   本书多页重影,没办法阅读。
  •   shudepingjia
  •   陶冶情操,练习英文
  •   双语读物(故事卷):美丽英文全集

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