
出版时间:2011-11  出版社:西泠印社  作者:新辅教导学编委会 编  页数:106  


  随着新课程教学改革的进一步深化,教学形势不断发展,教学理念不断更新,教学信息资源也不断丰富。如今,无论是教师,还是学生,都迫切地需要一套行之有效的教辅书籍,让它来导引自己紧跟课改的步伐,又不致于迷失在信息的“海洋”中。为了给广大师生提供一套适应当前教学改革形势的教辅书籍,我们再次组织数十名一线高级教师,依据不断优化,不断创新的思路,本着更详细,更实用,更贴切教师、学生实际的宗旨,对这套《教案·学案》丛书作了全面修订,丛书的特点体现在以下几个方面:  独特性本丛书的编写体例与众不同,丛书的栏目设置力求合理、科学。丛书的核心栏目为[课堂教与学互动设计]。丛书关注师生教与学互动活动的设计,.突出可操作性,把课堂作为师生对话的平台,注重问题情境的创设,设计了大量引导学生进行自主学习、合作学习、探究性学习的活动,突出学生学习的主体性。


Unit 1 1:Could you please fell me where the restrooms are?第1课时Section A(1a-2c)第2课时Section A(3a-4)第3课时Section B(1a-3a)j第4课时Section B(3b-Self’Chedk)第5课时Reading中考试题精析精练Unit 1 2 You’re supposeff to shake hands第1课时Section A(1a-2c)第2课时Section A(3a-4)第3课时Section B(1a-2c)第4课时Section B(3b——Self Check) 第5课时Reading中考试题精析精练Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad 第1课时Section A(1a-2c)第2课时Section A(3a-4)第3课时Section B(1a-3a)第4课时Section B(3b——Self Check)第5课时Reading中考试题精析精练Unit 14 Have you packed yet?第1课时Section A(1a-2c)第2课时Section A(3a-4)第3课时Section B(1-2c,3b,4)第4课时Section B(3a,3c,Self Check)第5课时Reading, 中考试题精析精练Unit 15 We’re trying to sav_e the manatees!第1课时Section A(1a-2e)第2课时Section A(3a-4)第3课时Section B(1a-2c)第4课时Section B(3a-4,Self Check)中考试题精析精练


  My flight from New York to Hong Kongwas 15 hours long. I remember that my first 15hour flight to New York never seemed fo come to an end. Sitting in a crowded area .with noclean air beside a stranger was no fun. However, by now I love the flights to Hong Kong very much. I know that I'm getting closer to .home e Very'second of every minute of every hour I spend on the plane.  My winter holiday this year was quite different from last year's. Last year, it was my first year in. the USA and. I was so excited to be back in Hong Kong. I went out every single day with my friends, and only went home in time, for dinner with my family. My parents had plan ned to go to Thailand for holiday, but I re-fused because I wanted to spend time with my friends in the city.,  This year, to my parents' surprise, I quickly agreed to go some here. lse for the holiday.It's been over a year since I left my school in ong Kong. This year, I found myself say no to invitations to parties with friends. I decided that spending time with family was better than going out with friends. Although I have been in touch with several friends, it is clear that we have become, not so close tp each other. I am sad because l've lost some friends. But I still had a wonderful time at home. with my family members.   ......



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