
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:接力出版社  作者:汪顺 编  页数:150  字数:381000  


课标考纲解读  全真展示每课(节)內容的课标要求及考纲指向,权威锁定学习目标和考点能级,伴您在学习中把握方向,在考试中稳操胜券。  状元学习方案  权威名师指点学习方法,点拨解题疑点,理清基本思路,制定学习方案,搭建智力平台,助您倍速学习,提升学习成绩。  考点知识清单  全息式呈现学科基本知识点和能力点,菜单式的科学梳理将考点习题化设计,便于您在练习中实现对学科考点的理解和记忆。  要点核心解读  同步、完备的学习方案,总结、提炼知识、规律和方法,系统形成知识结构,凸现解题的答题要点和思路规律。  典例分类剖析  例题新颖、科学,具有母题的特征和功能。以案例剖析方式进行示范,展示解题思路和方法,让您的解题能力和技巧全面提升。  优化分层测训  精心设计“基础巩固题”“能力提高题”“综合拓展题”三层递进测试,分别适用于巩固、提高、迁移和运用训练。使课堂知识得到延伸与拓展。试题新颖,训练效果显著。  单元知识整合  整理单元知识,构建结构体系,让您对本单元的知识、规律和方法一目了然,强化知识记忆,是在单元测试中取得高分的必经阶梯。  新典考题分析  展示中考真题,探究出题规律。权威的命题分析、精透的解题分析、明晰的错解误区思辨,使您对中考內容及题型了如指掌。  答案与提示  稍有难度的题目皆提供详细的解题步骤和思路点拨,鼓励一题多解。让您不但知其然,且知其所以然。能使您养成良好规范的答题习惯。


MODULE 1 Wonders of the world  Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world?    Unit 2 I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon  单元知识整合  新典考题分析MODULE 2 Great books  Unit l  Confucius'works are read by many people.  Unit 2 It' s still read and loved.   单元知识整合  新典考题分析MODULE 3 Sporting life  Unit 1 When will the match be held?    Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for gold.   单元知识整合  新典考题分析MODULE 4 Great inventions  Unit 1  Paper and printing have been used ages.   Unit 2 Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply.   单元知识整合  新典考题分析MODULE 5 Museums  Unit 1 You mustn't touch it.  Unit 2 There' s no shouting and no running.  单元知识整合  新典考题分析MODULE 6 Save our world  Unit 1 It' s wasteful to throw away paper and metal.   Unit 2 Remember three words:reduce,reuse and recycle.   单元知识整合  新典考题分析MODULE 7 Australia  Unit 1 I'm looking for the photos that you took in Australia.   Unit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad temper.  单元知识整合  新典考题分析MODULE 8 Photos  Unit 1 It's the band which gets everyone dancing.  Unit 2 Read on to find out who the winners are.  单元知识整合  新典考题分析MODULE 9 Cartoon stories  Unit 1 We need someone like Superman who can save Tony.   Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.   单元知识整合  新典考题分析MODULE 10 Fitness  Unit 1 I've got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics.  Unit 2 Jamie is a cook whose ideas are changing school dinners.  单元知识整合  新典考题分析MODULE 11 Population  Unit 1 It' s the biggest city in China.   Unit 2 It was a quiet country village.   单元知识整合  新典考题分析MODULE 12 Summer in LA  Unit 1 Your host family is meeting you at the airport.   Unit 2 Learn English in Los~Angeles.   单元知识整合  新典考题分析答案与提示



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