
出版时间:2011-9  出版社:接力出版社  作者:童祥林 编  




第一部分 中考专家科研原创卷 
 第1卷 2012年中考英语科研测试题(原创卷1)华中师范大学考试科学研究中心命题
 第2卷 2012年中考英语科研测试题(原创卷2)华中师范大学考试科学研究中心命题
 第3卷 2012年中考英语科研测试题(原创卷3)华中师范大学考试科学研究中心命题
 第4卷 2012年中考英语科研测试题(原创卷4)华中师范大学考试科学研究中心命题
第二部分 全国联考信息优化卷 
 第5卷 2011年全国各地中考英语模拟信息优化卷(1)
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第三部分 全国中考真题卷 
 第13卷 2011年河北省初中毕业生升学文化课考试
 第14卷 2011年滨州市初级中学学业考试
 第15卷 2011年常州市初中毕业、升学统一考试
 第16卷 2011年阜康市初中毕业暨高中招生考试
 第17卷 2011年河南省初中学业水平暨高级中等学校招生考试试卷 
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 第19卷 2011年十堰市初中毕业生学业考试
 第20卷 2011年四川省宜宾市高中招生试题
 第21卷 2011年通化市初中学生学业考试
 第22卷 2011年重庆市初中毕业暨高中招生考试
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 第24卷 2011年宁波市初中毕业生学业考试
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 第30卷 2011年福州市初中毕业会考、高级中等学校招生考试
第四部分 命题立意?参考答案及解析


  B  Every morning, Ms Li always takes her daughter Kate to a nearby park to play. She believes that walking outdoors to breathe fresh air is helpful to her baby.  Kate is now 17 months old. She looks very lovely. Ms Li feels very proud of her daughter. She tries to invent various ways to develop Kate's intelligence(智力). In order to encourage her daughter to eat more,she even bought many colorful,lovely nursing bottles and bowls for her.  But recently,Ms Li has felt confused. Kate's weight and height are much lower than those,children with the same age as her daughter. Their average weight is 10.6 kilograms,and their minimum normal weight is 8.3 kilograms. And their average height is 79.9cm. But Kate is just 68cm tall,even 5cm shorter than the minimum normal height of children at her age. She is just as tall as an average 7-month-old child. And her weight is only 8 kilograms. The doctors told her that her daughter got lead poisoning(铝中毒).  Ms Li couldn't understand why her baby was suffered from lead poisoning. She invited some experts to her home to search for the cause. The experts found automobile exhaust(汽车排气) has polluted the indoor air of Kate's home. When she goes to the park to play with her mother,she also breathes in lots of automobile exhaust on the way.  At Kate's home, the experts noticed these colorful nursing bottles and bowls her mother had carefully selected for her have lots of lead.  Ms Li didn't know that her living environment has quietly caused serious harm to her baby.  64. Why does Ms Li always takes her daughter Kate to a nearby park to play in the moming?  A. Because she thinks walking outdoors to breathe fresh air is helpful to her baby.  B. Because she likes parks very much.  C. Because her daughter wants to go there.  D. Because they don't have other places to play.  65. What is the performance(表现) of lead poisoning in the little girl?  A. She is shorter than other girls with the same age as her.  B. She is lighter than other girls with the same age as her.  C. Her weight and height are much lower than those children with the same age as her.  D. Her height is 79.9cm.  66. Which of the following is the reason that the girl got sickness?  A. Automobile exhaust.  B. These colorful nursing bottles and bowls.  C. Automobile exhaust and these colorful nursing bottles and bowls.  D. She likes breathing automobile exhaust.  C  I was in line waiting to pay. In line there: were two people in front of me. A little boy was buying some rather strange clothes. He chatted with anyone who was interested in the clothes and soon we learnt that he was going to a kin,dergarten,(幼儿园) party. He had done a great job of putting together interesting costumes.  I noticed that the little boy was paying mostly with chan,ge(零钱).It seemed that he had robbed his pig ban,k(猪形储蓄罐) to do this shopping. However, the cashier told him he was short after counting all the money. The boy thought for a moment and said, " Please keep the shirt and I will come back with more money. "  ……


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用户评论 (总计29条)


  •   有近30套的中考试卷真题,可以让学生做
  •   经典好卷,实惠
  •   马上中考了,练手用
  •   给学生买的,不过刚好遇上中考改革,没有怎么用,不过这本资料本身还是挺好的。
  •   适合中考练习
  •   试题很新颖
  •   说是28套,但是有30套。
  •   前面几套有点难,后面的各省市综合题有代表性。
  •   难度较大,专家的题目有专向性。
  •   很实用,好的
  •   与学习课程很相符
  •   题目很好,对于提高理解的练习题很棒
  •   送货速度不是盖的

    题目不错 值得一买
  •   帮朋友买的,书很好
  •   题目用难度,挺好的。
  •   给我妹妹买的,不错的!很给力!
  •   还没细看,不知道难度如何
  •   书的质量好内容也好
  •   是给我的学生买的 他用着觉得挺实用的 我感觉里边的语法和习题都给的很好 赞赏一下 题型还是很不错的
  •   由于价格比书店低,所以选择了当当网,好!
  •   这本练习册很实用!
  •   弟弟初三的时候用的,很好用
  •   因为前段时间买过初中生物和地理,觉得很好,就买了英语。确实不错,题型好,有点难度。可惜买不到听力盘
  •   如果听力部份有光碟配送就好了。
  •   内容不错,但可惜有一页碎了
  •   应对考试,加分!
  •   可以借鉴`~~ ~~
  •   练练手吧!给弟弟买的,准备寒假给他辅导下.还是在他自己的努力吧!
  •   此书包含试卷还是很多,语法综合性强,但是完型难度太大。适合教研参考书籍。性价比还很高,因为折扣低。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
