
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:吉林出版集团有限责任公司  作者:主编:杨枫  页数:96  字数:185000  


朗文震撼英语系列共五册,每一册汇集了最令人感兴趣讨论的近30个话题,共分五大类主题,涉及当前西方社会生活中的多个不同侧面。每一个话题都是开放式的,带有一定的争议性,旨在使学生通过对该话题的领会,了解其中所反映出的价值观念,从而明确自己的看法,并能就此展开深入讨论,以此培养学生用英语思维表达、交流及运用语法和词组的能力。整个系列分为初、中、高三个阶段,采用全新的英语听说教学方法,词汇难度循序渐进、科学排列,以听力突破语言难关,全方位地提高学生的听说能力和口语表达水平。本书是其中的初级阶段。   有以下几个特点:  一、听力有思,言之有物。本套书选材涉及经济、社会、文化、情感、家庭、时尚等最令年轻人感兴趣、最愿意讨论的话题,让读者在提高听说能力的同时还能加深对其它国家社会文化背景知识的了解。  二、听力先行,听说结合。听力作为双方信息交流的基础,自然应当处于较为重要的地位。每个单元都用听力练习作为开始,为学习者提供了必要而且充分的语言素材输入,同时这些素材可以直接应用到紧随其后的口语练习中去。  三、张扬个性,释放自我。口语练习摒弃了传统简单的重复式训练手段,启发学习者通过对该话题的领会,了解其中所反映出来的价值观念和文化内涵,并进行进一步的思考和探索。从而提高学生的兴趣,并增强其进一步学习的动力和信心。


UNIT 1 MY FAMILY Saying who is in your family Describing the people in your family Asking about someone's family “Your dad's so strict!” “My parents won't let me...” Kristi's problemUNIT 2 MY FRIENDS Talking about nicknames Descring your friends Introducing yourself “So we do know each other!” “1 really like... because...” Changing names: Elton JohnUNIT 3 MY PASTIMES Saying how you spend your  time Naming free time activties Refusing an invitation “Are you doing anything on Saturday?” “Last weekend I...” A perfect eveningUINT 4 MY HOME Talking about household jobs Naming some household jobs Asking about the jobs someone does “I'll give you a hand.” “Which jobs are easy / hard?” Sharing the houseworkUNIT 5 CURRENT STYLES Talking about household jobs Naming accessories Complimenting someone on his or her clothes “I’d like my money back.” “What did you get for Christmas?” Personal stylesUNIT 6 MODERN SOUNDS Talking about singers or groups you like Naming and descrbing types of music Stating a preference “Could I borrow your new CD?” “What do you think of...?” Band GeekUNIT 7 WORLD FOODS Naming the dishes dishes you like to order Naming different kinds of food Asking about different dishes “I just wanted a hamburger and fries.” What,s your favorite restauant?  A nice eveningUNIT 8 NEW PRODUCTS Naming some everyday products Naming electonic products Making a guess “Guess what it is!” “Why does he want a...” Useful productsUNIT 9 FAMOUS PEOPLE Naming some famous people Naming and classifying occupations Clarifying what you mean “I collect teddy bears.” “What's his secret?” The key to success: Steve JobsUNIT 1O FUTURE HOPES Rating jobs Naming different jobs Asking someone what he or she wants to be “I’d like a job where I can travel.” “How importantant is it for you...?” Sun-Jin's dreamUNIT 11 PERFECT PARTNER Describing your dresm partner Narrating a love story Asking about someone's personal like “Maybe we should break up.” “What is your dream partner like?” Jennifer's probemUNIT 12 SMALL WORLD Naming some famous places Describing tourist spots Expressing where you'd like to go Expressing where you'd like to go “Where do you want to go?” Monica's letter




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