
出版时间:2007-6  出版社:上海远东  作者:刘|,吕春昕 主编  页数:197  字数:296000  


本套书就提供了解决上面这些问题的方案,其主要特点体现在以下三个方面:    第一,每篇文章中出现的生词和词组,都尽量提供详尽的注释和例句,以及相关词汇的联想记忆,如“近义词”、“反义词”、“同类词”、“形似词”等,通过这种生动活泼的形式,使学生摆脱枯燥记忆单词的苦恼,同时将这些单词放在文章的语境中来加深理解和记忆,以确保学生文章读得懂,单词记得牢,而不是一味地追求阅读量大。    第二,在选材上,绝大多数内容均来自于全国各地的中考真题。我们将近几年的中考真按难度区分,分别编入六年级至九年级四个分册,由于中考真题具有无可替代的权威性,因而演练这些试题能够起到事半功倍的效果,而且学生从六年级起就开始熟悉中考题型和内容。到了初中毕业参加中考时就得心应手。  第三,题型丰富,本套丛书每一小节均有三篇文章,练习的题型采用判断题、选择题和问答题三种,完全符合沿海发达地区要求,另外,随着新课标的全面推开,全国很多地区也不再是只有选择题这一单一题型,而更多地出现了任务型阅读,其中主要一种就是问答题,因此,本书不仅适应沿海发达地区,也可供其他地区读者使用。


Reading Exercise 1  Harvard University(哈佛大学)  Open the Car Door(开车门)  Only One Piece of Meat(只有一块肉)Reading Exercise 2  The First Computer(第一台计算机)  A Letter from the Company(来自公司的一封信)  Ballet Shoes(芭蕾舞鞋)Reading Exercise 3  Andrew Carnegie(安德鲁·卡内基)  Making a Noise(制造噪音)  A Busy Morning(忙碌的早晨)Reading Exercise 4  The Place to Keep Ticket(放票的地方)  I Can’t See Them(我看不见他们)  A Fat Lady(一位胖女人)Reading Exercise 5  A Simple Question(简单的问题)  Speaking the Truth(说出事实)  They Were Classmates(他们曾经是同学)Reading Exercise 6  The Bicycle in the Ad(广告中的自行车)  My Family Is Very Poor(我家很穷)  Jimmy’S Drum(吉米的鼓)Reading Exercise 7  Well Done!(干得好!)  Late for School Again(又迟到了)  A Naughty Boy(淘气的男孩)Reading Exercise 8  The Country Life(乡村生活)  Trains(火车)  The Solar System(太阳系)Reading Exercise 9  The Way of Saving(省钱的办法)  It Was the Old Woman Again!(又是这位老太太!)  A Strange Idea(奇怪的念头)Reading Exercise 10  The Old Lady’S Words(老妇人的话)  Join a Dancing Group(加入舞蹈团)  In a Restaurant(在餐馆吃饭)Reading Exercise 11  Greenland and Iceland(格陵兰岛和冰岛)  Notice of a New Film(新片预告)  The Kiwi(几维)Reading Exercise 12Reading Exercise 13Reading Exercise 14Reading Exercise 15Reading Exercise 16Reading Exercise 17Reading Exercise 18Reading Exercise 19Reading Exercise 20Reading Exercise 21Reading Exercise 22Reading Exercise 23Reading Exercise 24Reading Exercise 25Reading Exercise 26Reading Exercise 27Reading Exercise 28Reading Exercise 29Reading Exercise 30Reading Exercise 31Reading Exercise 32Reading Exercise 33Reading Exercise 34Reading Exercise 35Reading Exercise 36Reading Exercise 37Reading Exercise 38参考答案



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