
出版时间:2009-2  出版社:上海百家出版社  作者:张喜朱 编  页数:153  字数:250000  




如何提高你的高考英语听力成绩Listening Comprehension(1)Listening Comprehension(2)Listening Comprehension(3)Listening Comprehension(4)Listening Comprehension(5)Listening Comprehension(6)Listening Comprehension(7)Listening Comprehension(8)Listening Comprehension(9)Listening Comprehension(10)Listening Comprehension(11)Listening Comprehension(12)Listening Comprehension(13)Listening Comprehension(14)Listening Comprehension(15)Listening Comprehension(16)Listening Comprehension(17)Listening Comprehension(18)Listening Comprehension(19)Listening Comprehension(20)Listening Comprehension(21)Listening Comprehension(22)Listening Comprehension(23)Listening Comprehension(24)Listening Comprehension(25)听力录音原文


  In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.  1. W. Look at the pretty dog. How cute it is!  M. But look at the price. Id rather have a bird.  Q. Where does this conversation probably take place? (C)  2. W. Why are you in a low mood today?  M. I have just been told that I failed the test.  Q. How does the man feel? (A)  3. W: What seems to be wrong with you, sir?  M. Well, I dont know exactly what it is, but when I move my arm like this, it hurts me much.  Q: What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? (A)  4. M. I wish I had the time to call my parents as often as you do.  W. Yes. I really like to keep in touch with my family.  Q. What does the woman often do? (A)  5. M: Excuse me, what time is it now?  W. Its 4:25, but my watch is 5 minutes fast.  Q: What time is it actually? (A)  6. W: Brian, could you handle this suitcase, too7  M. How many hands do you think I have?  Q. What does Brian mean? (B)  7. M. Is the shop really as good as what people say?  W. It used to be even better.  Q.. What does the woman think about the shop? (A)  8. M. Open wide! Now show me where it hurts.  W: Here on the bottom, especially when I bite into something hot or cold.



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用户评论 (总计7条)


  •   很适合提高英语
  •   比较符合全国高考的层次
  •   没有光盘也没有磁带……传说中的专家朗读是要自己网上下载么?!
  •   大多是高二的语法
  •   !!!!!!!!!!好
  •   不错的,非常喜欢!
  •   内容还不错,量比较大, 就是拿到手才知道需要另买磁带,

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