
出版时间:2005-5  出版社:吉林文史出版社  作者:肖水  页数:121  字数:40000  


  《千字文(中英文对照)》开中国蒙学经典教学英译之先河,在快乐的故事中学习英语,首次使英语学习闪耀着民族文化的光芒。资深少儿英语教师倾力翻译、加拿大籍资深英语专家Jayne Rutledge女士类格审校。这是一部伴随过无数中国人成长、能够影响读者一生的蒙学经典。




  Long long ago,the water god Gong Gong fought with the fire god ZhuRong,and Gong Gong was beaten in the fierce war.Gong Gong was veryangry,and he knocked his head against Buzhou Mountain.At the foot ofthe mountain one pillar supporting the sky was broken.A great hole ap-peared in the northwest of the sky.Floods poured out①of the earth.Dis-astrous fires burned again and again.Wild beasts harmed people.Thepeople were threatened②with dying out. Looking at all of this Nii Wa felt bad.She thought she must mend thesky.She carried many rocks of five colors to a volcano③.She melted therocks to mend the hole in the sky. Then the earthquakes~,mountain torrents⑤and fires stopped.Thepeople lived a peaceful and happy life again.Nti Wa became a goddessof kindness.diligence@,intelligence and bravery in the people’s hear.In the Spring and Autumn Period,the King of Yue State,Gou Jian,was very interested in knives and swords.Once upon a time,he invitedXue Zhu to appreciate the sword.Xue Zhu was the most famous person atthat time in the field of①appreciating swords. Gou Jian ordered his servant to bring two double-edged swords ofHaocao and Juque.However,Xue Zhu saw them with hurried~anee andsaid CasUallv:”The two swords both have short comings SO they can notbe genuine double-edged swords.”Gou Jian was surprised.He orderedhis servant to bring another double-edged sword.Xue Zhu asked:”Whatis it?”G0u Jian said:”The sword of Chunjun.”Xue Zhu heard this andfell from his seat.In a short while,he woke up,and he seized②the dou-ble-edged sword from the servant’s hands.He knocked it carefully.Thenhe pulled the sword out from the scabbard③slowly.The light of the swordappeared.It was so beautiful,like a lotus~flower above the water.Deco-rationon the sword gave off a brilliant light.Xue Zhu said loudly:”Good sword.It really is a priceless treasure!”



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