
出版时间:2008-8-1  出版社:哈尔滨出版社  作者:顾作峰  页数:182  字数:225000  




第一部分 阅读理解 Passage1 Passage2 Passage3 Passage4 Passage5 Passage6 Passage7 Passage8 Passage9 Passage10 Passage11 Passage12 Passage13 Passage14 Passage15 Passage16 Passage17 Passage18 Passage19 Passage20 Passage21 Passage22 Passage23 Passage24 Passage25 Passage26 Passage27 Passage28 Passage29 Passage30 Passage31 Passage32 Passage33 Passage34 Passage35 Passage36 Passage37 Passage38 Passage39 Passage40 Passage41 Passage42 Passage43 Passage44 Passage45 Passage46 Passage47 Passage48 Passage49 Passage50 Passage51 Passage52 Passage53 Passage54 Passage55 Passage56 Passage57 Passage58 Passage59 Passage60 Passage61 Passage62 Passage63 ……第二部分 完形填空答案与解析


  Passage 13  Most people like living with other people. But some people just have to be by themselves. Bozo Kucik was one of the examples. In 1888, when Bozo was only six- teen, his father left him on a little island off the coast of Croatia. He kissed Bozo goodbye and said, "I hope everything goes well with you, my son." Then the fa- ther got back in his boat and sailed home without his son. How could he do such a thing, you ask? Well, Bozo had asked him to.  Bozo s father was a poor farmer who couldn t afford to feed his seven children. So he called his sons together and asked them to decide their own futures. Bozo chose the life of a hermit.  During the years that Bozo lived alone, World Wars I and II were fought. But Bozo never heard about them. In 1972, a group of fishermen visited his island. They tried to talk to Bozo. At first the old hermit ran away. Finally, he let the men into his windowless stone house.  They asked if he wanted to go home. But Bozo said no. So the fishermen wished Bozo well and left him alone again——just as his father had eighty-four years before.



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  •   感觉很有爱o(∩_∩)o
  •   因为我的英文这个方面比较薄弱,所以买了这本书,不过呢完型天空比较少,还是阅读的占多数了,但总体来说还是很好的
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  •   内容比较简单不过质量还好

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