
出版时间:2013-8  出版社:安徒生 (Andersen H.C.)、 赫尔舒特 天津社会科学院出版社 (2013-08出版)  作者:安徒生  译者:赫尔舒特  


作者:(丹麦)安徒生(Andersen H.C.) 译者:(美国)赫尔舒特


《安徒生童话全集(上)》目录: The Tinder Box Little Claus and Big Claus The Princess on the Pea Little Ida's Flowers Thumbelina The Naughty Boy The Traveling Companion The Little Mermaid The Emperor's New Clothes The Galoshes of Fortune The Daisy The Steadfast Tin Soldier The Wild Swans The Garden of Paradise The Flying Trunk The Metal Pig The Bond of Friendship Ole Lukoie The Rose Elf The Swineherd The Angel The Nightingale The Sweethearts;or,The Top and the Ball The Ugly Duckling The Fir Tree The Snow Queen The Elder-Tree Mother The Darning Needle The Bell The Red Shoes The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweep The Little Match Girl The Old Street Lamp Little Tuck The Shadow The Old House The Story of a Mother A Story There is a Difference It's Quite True! The Goblin and the Grocer Under The Willow Tree She Was Good for Nothing Ib and Little Christine Clumsy Hans The Jewish Girl The Stone of the Wise Man The Nightcap of the "Pebersvend" Something The Marsh King's Daughter The Wind Tells about Valdemar Daae and His Daughters The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf Anne Lisbeth The Child in the Grave A Story from the Sand Dunes The Beetle What the Old Man Does is Always Right The Ice Maiden The Silver Shilling The Bishop of B(o)rglum and his Men The Most Incredible Thing The Flea and the Professor What Old Johanne Told The Cripple The Talisman The Gardener and the Noble Family Lucky Peer The Storks A Rose from Homer's Grave The Buckwheat Grandmother The World's Fairest Rose The Elf Mound The Jumpers The Last Pearl The Snow Man The Butterfly Chicken Grethe's Family Holger Danske A Picture from the Ramparts A View from Vartou's Window The Neighboring Families The Drop of Water The Happy Family The Shirt Collar The Flax The Phoenix Bird The Silent Book The Old Tombstone The Story of the Year On Judgment Day The Swan's Nest A Good Humor Heartache Everything in its Proper Place Thousands of Years from Now Five Peas from a Pod A Leaf from Heaven Two Maidens At the Uttermost Parts of the Sea The Money Pig The Thorny Road of Honor The Bottle Neck Picturebook Without Pictures Soup on a Sausage Peg The Old Oak Tree's Last Dream The A-B-C Book The Racers The Bell Deep The Wicked Prince Ole,the Tower Keeper Children's Prattle A String of Pearls Pen and Inkstand The Farmyard Cock and the Weathercock "Beautiful" The Puppet-show Man Two Brothers The Old Church Bell Twelve by the Mail In the Duck Yard The New Century's Goddess The Psyche The Snail and the Rosebush The Will-o'-the-Wisps Are in Town The Windmill In the Children's Room Golden Treasure The Storm Shifts the Signboards The Teapot The Bird of Folklore The Little Green Ones The Goblin and the Woman Peiter,Peter,and Peer Kept Secret but not Forgotten The Porter's Son Moving Day The Snowdrop Aunty The Toad Godfather's Picture Book The Rags Vans and Gl(a)ns Which Was the Happiest? The Dryad What Happened to the Thistle What One Can Invent Luck May Lie in a Pin The Comet The Days of the Week Sunshine Stories Great-Grandfather The Candles What the Whole Family Said Dance,Dance,Doll of Mine! The Great Sea Serpent The Gate Key Aunty Toothache God Can Never Die This Fable is Intended for You Croak! The Penman The Court Cards The Poor Woman and the Little Canary Bird Urbanus Danish Popular Legends Folks Say The Pigs …… 《安徒生童话全集(下)》


版权页:   插图:   Then the fish flopped and floundered in a most unaccountable way.Finally it was perfecdy still,and after a while something struck through him like a flash of lightning.The tin soldier saw daylight again,and he heard a voice say,"The Tin Soldier!" The fish had been caught,carried to market,bought,and brought to a kitchen where the cook cut him open with her big knife. She picked the soldier up bodily between her two fingers,and carried him off upstairs.Everyone wanted to see this remarkable traveler who had traveled about in a fish's stomach,but the tin soldier took no pride in it.They put him on the table and-lo and behold,what curious things can happen in this world-there he was,back in the same room as before.He saw the same children,the same toys were on the table,and there was the same fine castle with the pretty little dancer.She still balanced on one leg,with the other raised high.She too was steadfast.That touched the soldier so deeply that he would have cried tin tears,only soldiersnever cry.He looked at her,and she looked at him,and never a word was said.Just as things were going so nicely for them,one of the little boys snatched up the tin soldier and threw him into the stove.He did it for no reason at all.That black bogey in the snuffbox must have put him up to it. The tin soldier stood there dressed in flames.He felt a terrible heat,but whether it came from the flames or from his love he didn't know.He'd lost his splendid colors,maybe from his hard journey,maybe from grief,nobody can say. He looked at the little lady,and she looked at him,and he felt himself melting.But still he stood steadfast,with his musket held trim on his shoulder. Then the door blew open.A puff of wind struck the dancer.She flew like a sylph,straight into the fire with the soldier,blazed up in a flash,and was gone.The tin soldier melted,all in a lump.The next day,when a servant took up the ashes she found him in the shape of a little tin heart.But of the pretty dancer nothing was left except her spangle,and it was burned as black as a coal.





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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   优点:故事很全,156篇。很多黑白插图。缺点:排版紧凑,字小而密。上下册之间没有完整的分段措施。很少在正版书里看到上册的最后一句话未完,然后下册直接接上的。总结:版本太差,近似盗版。值不到20元的。
  •   纯英文的 就是看不懂 哈哈
  •   分p分的太恶心。。。其他都还好~插图很好玩
  •   字体太小,实在为难了我的小眼睛
  •   发货很快,就是字有点小
  •   我觉得这个书的质量还行,帮妹妹买的,快递灰常快,昨天下单今天到货,给力
  •   虽然字排得密麻麻的而且有点小,虽然一句话上半句在上册,下半句在下册(太让人不爽了),总的来说版型很规整,插图很老气很漂亮。瑕不掩瑜,这价位,再加上是安徒生的全集,必须给五星。
  •   非常精美的图书,尤其是里面的图片,更难得

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