
出版时间:2010-1  出版社:大连  作者:薛益谦//陈维  页数:186  


  《小学生英语无障碍阅读·英语小故事随堂读:1级目标达标阅读训练(3年级)(修订版)》特点:原文精品:所有阅读材料均来自英美国家的儿童读物以及有关的报刊。  分门别类:所选材料分类明晰,便于集中阅读。  目标设置:按照《英语课程标准》规定的两级标准,给不同年级的小学生配备相应的阅读材料。  随文释义:对于阅读材料中出现的生僻单词和词组,随文给出音标和意思。  精妙点拨:讲解英语阅读中经常出现的难点、重点和疑点。  理解测试:运用测试方式检验小学生对阅读材料的理解程度。


英语动物小故事1. My Friend2. A Cat and a Bird3. Cats4. Dog and Cat5. A Foolish Dog6. A Little Dog7. Two Mice8. A Kind Gorilla9. I Can See You10. A Clever Crow11. Three Kinds of Bears12. Doorbell13. The Panda14. Koala15. Kangaroos英语家庭小故事1. How Old Am I?2. Do You Know Why?3. Jack's Grandpa4. Two Apples5. Three Bags6. Two Families7. Two Bikes8. In the Park9. My Books10. Children on a Farm11. An Orange Tree12. Juliet's Birthday13. Colors14. A Baby Sister15. You Eat the Third One英语校园小故事1. The First Day2. She Is a Teacher3. Our School4. My School5. The New Teacher6. Two Dogs7. Mother's Question8. You Are Wrong9. Two Birds10. The First Question11. Dick's Picture英语幽默小故事1. Where Am I?2. Mr Fish3. A Dirty Hand4. Man or Woman5. Which Is More Useful?6. Dog's Dirty Feet7. This Isn't My Car8. What Are You Doing with My Car?9. Mushroom10. A Man and an Old Woman11. Are You Going to Dance?12. Look More Lovely,13. Follow the Flies14. First Flight15. Buy Glasses16. I'm the Only Driver17 It Doesn't Matter英语机智小故事1. Inside and Outside2. Tom's Answer3. Foolish4. Helping Others5. Why Not Call Mother?6. A New Son7. What Time Is It?8. What's Happening?英语生活小故事1. Mr Going-To-De2. Buy Ticket3. A Sunday4. Run and Run5. He Wants Your Cap6. Do You Know Why?7. A Thief8. Jim and Tim9. Buy Time10. Be Quiet11. A Duck and a Dog英语人物小故事1. Draw Eggs2. Boil Egg3. Einstein's Old Coat4. What's Your Name Please?5. A Pair of Shoes6. Washington and His Secretary7. McDonald's英语童话小故事1. The Sun and the Clouds2. Mrs Goody3. The Big Rats4. An Honest Man5. An Old Cat6. Go to Fish7. The Rabbit Looking for his Home英语哲理小故事1. The Same Soup2. The Two Monks3. Jim and Tom4. A Happy Man5. Mr Brown and Mr Smith6. An Orange and a Gold Cup7. The Wind and the Sun8. The Greatest Person英语万事小故事1. Colors2. Venice3. Sunflowers4. A Flower That Can Eat a Fly5. Big Ben6. The Weather7. The World in 20508. Your Robot9. Mother's Day




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