
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:上海社会科学院出版社  作者:李梅珍,徐栋良主  页数:146  字数:150000  


上海师范大学举办的澳大利亚短期文化学习交流项目从2001年开始至今已进行了六年。六年来,有200多位学生在教师的带领下先后赴澳大利亚的堪培拉大学、堪培拉理工学院和澳大利亚国立大学开展了跨文化学习与交流活动。这本文集就是学生们参加这项活动的生动写照。他们用英语表述了在澳大利亚学习交流期间的活泼有趣的所见所闻和朴实的深切的真情实感。这些文章虽然说小,却很有回味,很值得一读,同时也给了我们许多关于国际文化学习交流问题的有益启示。  一个有竞争力的现代人,必须具有国际的眼光和视野,才能面对未来,面对挑战,面对新生活。走出国门,看一看外面的世界,对于新一代的中国青年十分必要,他们从中拓展了眼界,增长了阅历,考虑问题的思路会更开阔,更周全,更有远见。


序前言丰硕之旅 亲吻生活 精彩一夏 游学散记 活出精彩 不虚此行 直面挑战 幸运的日子 探索之旅珍贵的记忆 永恒的回忆 一生的记忆 我爱澳洲 澳洲琐忆 回眸澳洲 异国之行 澳洲拾趣 快乐时光 美妙的日子恋恋澳洲行 倾心之旅 梦系澳洲 历经华彩忆澳洲 美味野餐 迷路 淘淘乐 初学烘焙情长谊深 我的澳洲之家 他乡遇知音 澳洲小住 堪培拉花絮 一见钟情恋澳洲 后会有期 友谊长存景点摘星异域风情


  An Eternal Memory  During the summer vacation I went to Australia. It was my first experience to go abroad and everything was new and exciting to me. There I learnt many things that I had never learnt before, and gained much experience that would have great impact on my life. My short visit to Australia will always remain a fond memory with me.  I stayed in Canberra, the capital of Australia, for over five weeks. I was deeply impressed. But at first I felt lonely and helpless, because it was a totally strange place to me. Everything was much too different from that in my own country where I had been living for 20 years, though nearly everyone I met with in Canberra was very kind to me. But I told myself, there was nothing to be afraid of; I should take it easy, bridge the cultural gap, and get used to everything in the different culture. After all, my friends would keep me good company.  A week later, I began to like this beautiful city. Unlike Shanghai, a metropolitan city with a dense population and heavy traffic, Canberra is just like a big garden with an exuberant growth of trees and grass. People there enjoy a leisurely and carefree life. The air is fresh, the sky is blue, and the different shapes of clouds form a beautiful picture above our heads. Birds are never afraid of people, and a peaceful, trusting relationship has been developed between the people and the animal. Canberra is quiet and clean, thanks to its tremendous efforts in the environmental preservation. It is the best place to study or to spend the rest of your life, though it is a little bit monotonous.  In Australia, all the roads looked almost alike and they all form circles. It was too hard for me to tell which street it was. In the first week, I even couldn't recognize the bus stop where I should get off, especially when it was getting dark. Because the bus doesn't stop at every bus stop, you should ring the bell if you want to get off at the next stop. But if you didn't know the stop where you should get off, how could you ring the bell? That was the biggest problem I met with in my first week in Canberra. Of course I got lost nearly every day during the first week. Sometimes I missed the stop; sometimes I got off the bus at the wrong stop. So it was very important to be able to read the map and the bus schedule. If you missed the bus, you would probably have to wait at least half an hour for the next one. But in spite of that, my classmates and I still felt very amused at this experience, since this would never have happened in Shanghai. Most of us regarded it as a chance to develop our ability of how to survive in a foreign country when we didn't have a car. Very soon we got more and more familiar with the roads and traffic there through our own efforts and without any help from our teachers or our host families. We really felt proud of ourselves because we had managed it all by ourselves.  ……




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