
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:广东旅游出版社  作者:邓昌友  页数:194  


Being the political center of the Yuan,Ming,and Qing dynasties, the whole city of Beijing was saturated with august imperial flavor, However,outside the imperial city in Beijing’s However, and Siheyuan,things are quite different where ordinary people lived simply and happily one generation after another. When in Beijing,be prepared to Hold your breath when standing in front 0f the Forbidden City    Hode your breath when standing in front of the Forbidden City, Tian’s anmen Square, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, etc.    Be amazed by the Peking Opera and acrobatics performances.    Exhaust yourself while doing shopping among numerous departments and shopping malls.    Forget your weight when dining at local restaurants.


A Grand Capital General IntroductionCentral Axis-Squares & Palaces Tian’anmen Square Tian'anmen(Gate of Heavenly Peace) Monument to the People’S Heroes Grcat Hau of the People The National Grand Theatre The National Museum of China Chairman Mao Memorial Hal] Zhongshan Park Zhengyangmen(The Front Gate) Duanmen Gate Working People’S Cultural Palace The FOrbidden CitV Jingshan Park Drum Tower&Bel]TowetXicheng-XUanWu DistriCt:Beautifu!Scenes with Blue water Beihai Park Tuancheng(Round City) Shichahai Former Residence of Guo Moruo Former Residence of Lu Xtw Former Residence of Song Qingling Gongwangfu Garden Zhongnanhai(Central and South Lakes) Baiyunguan(White Cloud 7emple) Beijing Zoo Taoranting Park Daguanyuan(Grand View Garden) Xiannongtan(Altar ofAgriculture) Liulichang Cultural StreetDongcheng-Congwen District: Strolling Around Ancient Buildings Yonghegong(Lama Temple) Changpuhe Park Huangchenggen Yizhi Gongyuan Kong Miao(Confucius Temple)& GuozUian(Imperial College) riantan Park(Temple of Heaven)……Haidian-Shijingshan: Qing Dynasty's Imperial Gardens Centering on the Summer PalaceFengtai-Mentougou-Fangshan: Ancient Temples and Cultural RelicsChaoyang Districr: Ancient and Modern CombinationChangpin_Yanqing: the Great Wall&the Imperial TombsMiyun-Pinggu-Huairou:Lang of MagnificenceAncient Charms in BeijingEnjoy Your Trip in Beijing






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