出版时间:2002-1-1 出版社:东方出版中心 作者:夏清祥 页数:154
本书是《开心英语101夜》系列丛书中的一种。是特别为初三水准的学生编写的课外英语读物。 全书共有101篇英语小短文。内容涉及政治、经济、历史、文化、生活、科学等各个方面。选编的文章有人物传记、历史故事、科学小品、幽默笑话、社会热点评论等。每篇短文均设有生词、英文原文、中文对照三部分,可以帮助读者较准确地理解阅读材料。每两篇短文后面附有一篇“英语小知识”,可以增进学生对欧美国家风土人情和文化背景的了解。 全书编排新颖,配有大量妙趣横生的漫画,为读者创造了一种轻松愉悦的阅读环境,体现了素质教育的要求。 想轻松学习英语,提高你的英语水平吗?那么,请翻开这本书吧,它会带你去领略这101天的奇妙英语阅读之旅。
1 A Rich Father2 Ants And Grasshopper3 Ass, Fox And Li4 It Made No Difference5 Wolf In Sheeps Clothing6 Who Was The First Man?7 Do-Re-Me8 Its His Fault9 Its A Micracle10 Shepherd-Boy And Wolf11 A Clever Boy12 The Clever Bus Driver13 You've Lost14 Who's More Silly?15 A Good Meal16 Dry Ice17 Gentle Peter18 Who Is Cleverer?19 An Interesting Couple20 Sailing21 A Heavy Cupboard22 The Lion And The Mouse23 Special Audience24 He Works For Himself All His Life25 Drinking Milk26 New Telephone Number27 A Poor Singer28 That's Why29 The Wrong Answer30 The Bank Sets You Free31 An Observant Passenger32 Five Hundred Miles33 A Pony34 Grandma's Teacup35 The Tricky Customer36 Snake For Show37 Motive And Action38 A Useful Lesson39 Napoleon Was I1140 Silent Night Holy Night41 A Boy Or A Girl42 A Bad Student43 Whose Responsibility?44 Watching TV45 Wise Doctor46 Medical Examination47 Who Is A Fool?48 Unpleasant Ending49 Snow50 Lonely Goatherd……