出版时间:2005-10 出版社:河南黄河水利 作者:尚宏琦 编 页数:5本
黄河国际论坛是水利界从事流域管理、水利工程研究与管理工作的科学工作者的盛会,为他们提供了交流和探索流域管理和水科学的良好机会。2003年10月21日,黄河水利委员会在中国郑州成功地举办了首届黄河国际论坛。会议共有32个国家和地区的350多位专家学者出席,收到论文258篇,出版了五册论文集。与会领导、专家、学者围绕着“21世纪流域现代化管理模式与管理经验、流域管理现代技术应用”的中心议题,进行了广泛的交流与对话,交流发表了许多具有创新价值的学术观点和先进经验,并确定了第二届黄河国际论坛的中心议题,对流域管理工作起到了积极的推动作用。 自2002年第10月第一届黄河国际论坛会议结束后,论坛秘书处即开始了第二届黄河国际论坛的筹备工作。自第一号会议通知发出后,大约收到了来自52个国家和地区的700多位决策者、专家、学者的论文350多篇。总共有280篇论文在本次会议的49个分会场和6个大会会场上作报告。选出的论文,根据其内容,全部编入如下五册论文集中: 第一册:包括55篇专题A和专题B的论文; 第二册:包括58篇专题B的论文; 第三册:包括56篇专题B和专题C的论文; 第四册:包括53篇专题C和专题D的论文; 第五册:包括58篇专题D、专题E和专题F的论文。 在12个相关专题会议(As-Ls)宣读的论文,根据其相关内容,也分别编入以上五册论文集中。
第一册Keeping Healthy Life of the River Keep Healthy Life of Rivers-A Case Study of the Yellow River Towards a Healthy Yellow River:Essence,Indicators and Approach Brief Induction of the Coupling Regulation Experiments of Flow and Sediment Transport of the Yellow River The Practice of Regulating Flow and Sediment Load of the Yellow River and the Construction of a System for Regulating Flow and Sediment Load Research on New Thoughts for Yellow River Hydrology Development Preliminary Exploration for Susaining Tarim River in Healthy River Initiative in China Holding to New Thought and Fully Propelling Modernization of Yellow River Engineering Management Water Conservation and Management for Healthy Life of Rivers in the Atrai and Baral Basins of Bangladesh Water Use and its Impact Zone in the Lower Reach of the Yellow River Estimation of Unexplored Rivers Water Discharge Running into the Seas of the Russian Arctic as the Tool of an Effective Way of River,River Basin and Reception Reservoir Health Maintenance Keep Healthy Life of the Yellow River by Multiple Means The Hydrology Problem about Maintaining Yellow River's Healthy Life Develop Flexible Dams for Sediment Load Reduction of the Yellow River Basic Discussion on the Life and its Characters of River Promoting“Digital Soil and Water Conservation”Project to Accelerate the Harnessing of Soil Erosion in the Loess Plateau The Essential Characteristics of the Healthy Life of the Yellow River and Harnessing Measures……Integrated Water Resources Management Approach in the River Basin Management,and Application of Modern Science and Technology(1)……第二册第三册第四册第五册