
出版时间:1999-8  出版社:上海远东出版社  作者:彭敬慈 著  页数:94  字数:152000  


Chapter 1 Studying Biology  Introduction  Activity 1.1 To apreciate the wonders of the living world   Activity 1.2 Learning about biological disfcoveriesChapter 2 Gneeral Variety of Organisms  Practical 2.1 Sorting plants and animals into groups  Practical 2.2 Using key   Practical 2.3 To construct a key of leaves Chapter 3 The Basic Structure of a Cell  Practical 3.1 Using a microscope   Practical 3.2 Microscopic examination of plant cells  Practical 3.3 Microscopic examination of animal cellsChapter 4 Life Processes in a Cell  Practical 4.1 Detection of  the  presence of catalasse in lant and animal tissues   Practical 4.2 Investgation of the effect of temperature on enzyme activity   Practical 4.3 Investigation of the effect of pH on enzyme activity using the starch-agar palte method  Practical 4.4 To find out what will hapen when sucrose solution is separated from distilled water by a dialysis tubing  Practical 4.5 To show osmosis in living plant tissues using potato   Practical 4.6 To show osmosis in living animal tissues Chapter 5 Cell Division and the Levels of Body Organization  Practical 5.1 Observation of mitosis as shown in onion root tip squash  Practical 5.2 Brief examination of  a dissected mammal and an angiosperm to show the complexity of organiationChapter 6 The Modees of NutritionChapter 7 Food and HumansChapter 8 Nutrition in MammalsChapter 9 Nutrition in PlantsHins for Studying and on Assessment(1)Study technuquesThese practicals are considerde optional .Working on these experiments may not be essential if teaching time is not sufficient.



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