
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:宁波出版社  作者:徐霞 编,项性定 编  页数:234  字数:215000  


本书在新课标精神的指导下,以全新的理念和科学的方法,通过具体的教学实例,为初中英语教师的课堂教学提供了有益的参考。    全书精选了30篇优秀的教学实例。每篇实例均与人民教育出版社出版的九年义务教育三年制初级中学教科书相配套。每篇实例包括:教材分析、教学准备、学情分析、教学原则、教学目标、评价方式、教学步骤、教学评价、教学建议九个环节。这些教学实例旨在引发、启迪教师的创意和智慧,而绝非程式化的模式。


前言Book I  Unit 8 msinly revision lesson 30  Unit 13 What colour is it? Lesson 52  Unit 14 Whose clothes are these? lesson 53  Unit 22 Do you have an eraser? Lesson 85  Unit 23 Mainly revision Lesson 92  Unit 24 Where are you from? Lesson 94  Unit 26 People and work Lesson 103  Unit 27 What time do you get up? lesson 107Book II   Unit 9 The memory robot lesson 33  Unit 10 the swedish rock band lesson 38  Unit 13 come to the party! lesson 52  Unit 15 what do people eat? Lesson 60  Unit 18  seeing the doctor lesson 70  Unit 20 mainly revision lesson 77  Unit 21 she taught herself lesson 82  Unit 22 she taught herself lesson 83  Unit 23 a  fomoous person lesson 90  Unit 24  what were they doing? lesson 96Book III  ……



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