
出版时间:2011-5  出版社:群言  作者:新东方教育科技集团雅思研究院  页数:294  




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 Test 1
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General Training
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  Questions 6-9  Choose FOUR letters, A-G.  Write the correct letters in boxes 6-9 0n your answer sheet.  Which FOUR uses are listed for bioluminescence in nature?  A ways of attracting food  B tracing the spread of diseases  C mating signals  D growing trees for street lighting  E drugtrials  F defensive tactics  G a torch to identify food  Questions 10-13  Complete the sentences below.  Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.  Write your answers in boxes 10-13 0n your answer sheet.  10 The luminescent fluid that a Vampire Squid emits has a .................... effect on its predator.  11 In order to use bioluminescence in a trans-genetic environment,.................... must first be removed from a bioluminescent creature.  12 0ne advantage of BLI is that it could allow researchers to see how a treatment is working without altering or disturbing ...............  13 In the future, .................... may be able to use billuminescence to identify evidence on dead bodies.  READING PASSAGE 2  You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.  CHANGESINMALEBODYIMAGE  A The pressures on women to look slender, youthful and attractive have been extensively documented, but changing expectations for women's bodies have varied widely. From voluptuous and curvy in the days of Marilyn Monroe, to slender and androgynous when Twiggy hit the London scene in the mid-1960s, and then on to the towering Amazonian models of the 1980s and the "heroin chic" and size-zero obsession of today, it is not just clothes that go in and out of fashion for women. The prevailing notion of the perfect body for men, however, has remained remarkably static: broad shoulders, a big chest and arms, and rippling, visible abdominal muscles and powerful legs have long been the staple ingredients of a desirable male physique.  B A growing body of evidence suggests this is changing, however. Rootsteins, a mannequin design company in Britain, has released its newest male model-the homme nouveau-with a cinched-in 27-inch waist. "To put that into perspective," says one female fashion reporter, "I had a 27-inch waist when I was thirteen...and I was really skinny." The company suggests that the homme nouveau "redresses the prevailing 'beefcake' figure by carving out a far more streamlined, sinuous silhouette to match the edgier attitude of a new generation".  C Elsewhere in the fashion industry, the label American Apparel is releasing a line of trousers in sizes no larger than a 30-inch waist, which squeezes out most of the younger male market who have an average waistline over five inches larger. Slender young men are naturally starting to dominate the catwalks and magazine pages as well. "No one wanted the big guys," model David Gandy has said, describing how his muscled physique was losing him jobs. "It was all the skinny, androgynous look. People would look at me very, very strangely when I went to castings."  D Achieving such a physique can be unattainable for those without the natural genetic make-up. "I don't know that anyone would consider my body archetypal or as an exemplar to work towards," notes model Davo McConville. "You couldn't aim for this; it's defined by a vacuum of flesh, by what it's not." Nevertheless, statistics suggest it is not just an obsession of models, celebrities and the media-more and more ordinary men are prepared to go to great lengths for a slender body. One indication is the growing number of men who are discovering surgical reconstruction. Male breast-reduction has become espeaally popular; in 2009 the year-on-year growth rate for this procedure rose to 44 percent in the United Kingdom. Liposuction also remains popular in the market for male body reconstructive surgery, with 35,000 such procedures being performed on men every year.  E Additionally, more men now have eating disorders than ever before. These are characterised by normal eating habits, typically either the consumption of insufficient or excessive amounts of food. Eating disorders are detrimental to the physical and mental condition of people who suffer from them, and the desire to achieve unrealistic physiques has been implicated as a cause. In 1990 only 10% of people suffering from anorexia or bulimia were believed to be male, but this figure has climbed steadily to around one quarter today. Around two in five binge eaters are men. Women still make up the majority of those afflicted by eating disorders, but the perception of it being a "girly" problem has contributed to men being less likely to pursue treatment. In 2008, male eating disorders were thrust into the spotlight when former British Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, admitted to habitually gorging on junk food and then induang himself to vomit while in office. "I never admitted to this out of the shame and embarrassment," he said. "I found it difficult as a man like me to admit that I suffered from bulimia."  F In some respects, the slim male silhouette seems to be complementing, rather than displacing, the G.I.Joe physique. Men's Health, one of the only titles to weather the floundering magazine market with sales increasing to a quarter of a million per issue, has a staple diet of bulky men on the cover who entice readers with the promise of big, powerful muscles. Advertising executives and fashion editors suggest that in times of recession and political uncertainty, the more robust male body image once again becomes desirable. Academic research supports this claim, indicating that more "feminine" features are desirable for men in comfortable and secure societies, while "masculine" physical traits are more attractive where survival comes back to the individual. A University of Aberdeen study, conducted using 4,500 women from over 30 countries, found a pronounced correlation between levels of public healthcare and the amount of effeminacy women preferred in their men. In Sweden, the country considered to have the best healthcare, 68 percent of women preferred the men who were shown with feminine facial features. In Brazil, the country with the worst healthcare in the study, only 45 percent of women were so inclined. "The results suggest that as healthcare improves, more masculine men fall out of favour," the researchers concluded.  G Ultimately, columnist Polly Vernon has written, we are left with two polarised ideals of masculine beauty. One is the sleek, slender silhouette that exudes cutting-edge style and a wealthy, comfortable lifestyle. The other is the "strong, muscular, austerity-resistant" form that suggests a man can look after himself with his own bare hands. These ideals co-exist by pulling men in different directions and encouraging them to believe they must always be chasing physical perfection, while simultaneously de-stabilising any firm notions of what physical perfection requires.  H As a result, attaining the ideal body becomes an ever more futile and time-consuming task. Vernon concludes that this means less time for the more important things in life, and both sexes should resist the compulsive obsession with beauty.  ……




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  •   首先很专业,各方面;印刷质量也不错,题目的选择很有针对性,很好。听力很清晰,因为是把题目集中起来,也能很好的模拟雅思考试的现场感觉。
  •   暂时只做了两套。
  •   很好的一本书,拿到书后大概看了一下结构,挺好的,做了一套试题,对我个人有点偏难,但觉得挺好的,真题如果不难,考试岂不更难。
  •   雅思考试模拟,可以用来试一试自己的水平
  •   题量大 而且符合真题命题特点 是难得的雅思模拟题册
  •   很厚很大一本,考雅思必备~真题1-8做完了用它来巩固模拟一下~
  •   内有十套学术类阅读,两套移民类阅读,印刷质量很好,mp3的效果也不错,做题很舒服
  •   很好的一本书,虽然里面有些难,但是这样会更贴近雅思考试
  •   有点难,与雅思考试差不多
  •   做了听力,感觉比真题难些,但是考察的点比较接近,很好的书~
  •   这本书对于要考雅思很有帮助
  •   很好啊,本来是买了准备自己复习雅思的。价格比较实惠吧,比书店便宜太多了,发货速度也挺快的。
  •   考雅思用
  •   2012,雅思过7!!!!!!
  •   新东方的品质信得过。分为Academic及General两部分。后面的听力原文有用黑体字标出了关键点,不错。
  •   我好歹阅读听力考了7分啊 在这里只有5!!
  •   新东方系列丛书买了自学。模拟题多做些,可以积累生词,保持题感。
  •   很多套题,充实,就是没有解析
  •   模拟练习做了,还可以
  •   烤鸭们的必备资料,做完剑1--剑8,可以看看这本,在图书馆里看到,然后就在网上买下来了,很超值的,如果是参考答案再“丰满”一点那就perfect了!
  •   很贴近考试难度
  •   作文、阅读部分非常好,拆开书放光盘随便听听的时候感觉语调有点奇怪,有些地方有点慢,跟剑桥系列不一样,不过还没开始正式做过。
  •   书的印刷不错,排版也很喜欢,看了下光盘的东西还算是完整的,还没有具体用,具体内容再议~!
  •   对学习很有用的书,可以放心购买.新东方---值得信赖。
  •   题可能相对有一定难度
  •   有一定难度,但适合练习
  •   题目虽然难点儿,但考试时候你就能轻松点儿
  •   对于准备考试的,可以多加练习。不错的书,
  •   英语还是得多学习啊,几天不练就陌生了。00。。这系列的书都不错。很实用。
  •   感觉题目比真题难,但是应该难点好
  •   好书值得买,真题特别的好
  •   和剑桥系列比偏难,但是现在真题趋势是越来越难了,提前感受一下也没啥损失。
  •   有光盘,书很大,装帧精美,书的印刷质量也很好。
  •   新东方的风格
  •   同学们都在看的书,对考级很有帮助。
  •   这本书还没看,应该还行~~
  •   作为一名屠鸭份子,这四本书很适合平常练习的时候做,模考的那本也很贴近原题,书的质量非常好。
  •   每本书都有独立包装,碟子在书里夹着
  •   质量很好 题目稍难
  •   放在那吃灰尘了,呜呜。东西当然是不错的。
  •   赞,偏难,练习的话很合适
  •   质量还行,价格优惠
  •   再一次购买
  •   全新 好书
  •   书膜还在,挺新的,还没拆开
  •   到货速度快~书的质量也十分好~很满意这次的购物!
  •   正品,质量保证,好!
  •   很不错的感觉
  •   挺好的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  •   同学推荐的,到货很快,书质量不错
  •   帮别人买的,送货很快,包装好
  •   剑4到剑8都做完的情况下 可以试试这套习题
  •   题目很多,适合突击
  •   虽然还没开始做,但是装帧很是精美,很有做题的欲望
  •   给儿子买的,不错,很喜欢
  •   书很大,很醒目,个方面都挺好。是我喜欢的白色的书页。我不喜欢彩页的。呵呵
  •   同学推荐的 看起来不错
  •   书看起来不错,是带给在国外读书的孩子看的。
  •   表示很好- -
  •   东西收到后,心情蛮不错的。东东包装的很结实,我撕了很久才撕开的。
  •   刚刚拿到手,还没开始用,应该还不错的吧,纸张也挺好的。
  •   此书还行,就是解析有点简略。
  •   超好的书,真的真的。。。
  •   书的质量很好,就是题确实很难……这书做会了,肯定是7+
  •   练习用,很好,铜版纸,给力
  •   印刷精美,很实用,但价钱是否可以便宜些。
  •   书不错 支部过买的有点早了 有大部分都看不懂 哎!!等一段时间再看吧
  •   还没用,但是只要坚持,都有用
  •   书的质量很好,性价比很高~挺值得,纸质也很好。
  •   书是很不错的 物流太慢啦 发货更慢发货配货慢
  •   来得很快,价格比较便宜,效果要等用了才知道
  •   extremely good, i wish that i will try to finish re***** it
  •   做了两套题,阅读和听力符合雅思出题规律只是难度略微比真题大。本书最华彩的地方是口语部分有MP3可以听,很有考试氛围的感觉,一共12套联系量也很大,配合这个价格真是非常实惠,新东方出的东西果然让人满意啊!!
  •   我做了1~8的真题都没试过听力低过6.5分!居然作这一套题基本上掉到接近6分的边缘!!!救命!!!还有一次更加离谱才对了21题。。救命。。不过不知道阅读的难度与真题的差距如何。。很希望他比真题难。。。有没有买家做过呀??感觉如何???
  •   这本教材买来主要做了听力,但是感觉与真题不太一致。定位很不明显,经常全听懂了也不知道该填什么。。阅读部分没怎么做就不做评论了。

  •   雅思考试模拟题
  •   已经做了两套题了,阅读感觉还好,听力确实比较难,不是听力原文难,而是问题的设计感觉比较难。好多题目都不好定位,不像剑桥系列的真题定位词非常清晰。我做剑桥系列听力差不多都是7分左右,这套题前两套都没到6分。作为模考还不错,但是与真题还是有差距。
  •   给4分的原因是阅读的字数太少了,虽然各个方面都是很接近考试的难度(本人感觉稍稍偏难一点),但是阅读的字数估计没有1000.其他都很好,口语还有答案,推荐····
  •   题目比雅思真题偏难,可以得到锻炼,要是不想受打击建议别买
  •   内容不错,但是光盘碎了,请问可不可以再提供一下听力光盘的内容啊??哪位考友可以好心发给我??5555555555555555
  •   刚开始复习,拿第一套试题打击了一下自己。也好,提醒自己还有很多不足。还有一个多月的时间,加油吧!
  •   书看起来还不错,只做了一份听力,只对了18道!确实如大家所言比真题要难,可是我剑桥系列都做完了,感觉题型和真题还是类似的,主要是拿来练练手。
  •   难度确实不小 尤其听力,篇章很长,但速度还好
  •   可以用来练手,还给了口语的样本,不错
  •   非常好的模拟题,非常适合当真题的训练题。
  •   今天刚收到书 外观看包装完好 还附有一张碟 整体可以 但内容如何还得继续看内容了
  •   难度稍大,熟悉后提高较快
  •   书的印刷和纸质都不错,希望内容对考试有帮助~~
  •   难度较大……
  •   感觉跟考试还是有些差距滴~
  •   新东方:雅思全真模拟试题集
  •   质量不错,买回家慢慢看。
  •   不错,很实用,知识点也多
  •   为了学习做准备。
  •   雅思全真模拟试题集

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