出版时间:2011-1 出版社:群言出版社 作者:DAN KAUFMAN, CHRIS DOWHAN AND ADRIENNE DOWHAN 页数:267
本书特色 荟萃50多篇申请文实例,出自北美名校商学院申请者之手,是极具参考价值的高水平写作范文。 针对各种申请问题给出优秀范文,体现多元的写作风格和不同的侧重点。 基于多年评审经验,全面总结写作五大步骤,层层推进,为申请文写作提供科学、实用的指导。 总结留学申请写作四大成功要素: 分析评审人员,了解申请文写作标准避免选择千篇一律的话题和观点收集素材,确定主题完成初稿,反复修改,以求完美专业人员精彩点评每篇范文,分析其优缺点,并提出改进建议,结合;写作技巧,帮助申请者顺利完成申请文写作。
第一部分 申请文写作 第一章 评估读者 他们是谁:了解招生委员会 揭秘招生过程:你能期待什么 招生委员会想看到什么:八大关键特征 他们不想看到什么 获取反馈意见 第二章 做准备工作 开动你的大脑 搜集资料 在你继续之前 第三章 制定策略 选择武器 组织进攻 走捷径——要小心谨慎 在你继续之前 第四章 最后,开始写作吧! 列出写作提纲 开头 过渡 收尾 句子的长度和结构 休息一下! 第五章 润色申请文 修改 校对 大声读出来 获取反馈意见第二部分 申请文 导读 第六章 为什么申请工商管理硕士? 第七章 贡献和多样性 第八章 成就 第九章 领导能力 第十章 业余爱好和课外活动 第十一章 榜样 第十二章 失败 第十三章 道德困境 第十四章 展现个性 个人发展 个人目标 个人背景和影响 第十五章 变化与挑战 变化和技术 国际经历 团队合作 第十六章 其他方面 作出解释 再次申请 包容不同性取向 开放性话题 兼职学生
Each and every point that you make needs to be backed up by specific instances, examples, and scenarios from your experience. These details make your story special, unique, and interesting. Look at the detail used by the writer of Essay 12, for example, in the second half of the essay entitled "Learning to Surf." She moved in "last August, " lived in "Paris for 21 years, " averaged "90 hours a week, " started "Bright and early on a sunny Saturday afternoon" despite" pale skin and weak arms. " This could have easily boiled down to, "I moved from another country to the United States. Since I was working long hours, I decided to learn how to surf. " This shows the difference between a fun, interesting treatment of a story and a yawn- inducing account that could be attributed to any of a thousand different people. Develop the good habit of backing up all your assertions and claims of success with detailed descriptions of results. Use actual numbers and statistics if you have them. Essayist 19, for example, asserts, "I was quite successful as a tutor. " That statement standing alone would not convince anyone. It would probably seem like little more than an inflated (and pompous!) claim had the author not backed it up with the following: "One young man increased his Math S.A.T. by 150 points. Another student improved so dramatically in geometry, her test scores jumped from about 55 percent to over 90 percent, that her teacher kept her after class and asked if she was cheating. " ……