
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:企业管理出版社  作者:赵洁 编译  页数:247  


有多少人为了探索如何学好英语而苦思冥想,有多少人为了记住英语单词而绞尽脑汁,有多少人为了扩大英语阅读量而不知所措……     读完这本书,你会发现,英语学习就在我们生活的每一天里——了解当前的国际时事热点,熟悉常用的国际政治和新闻用语,体会西方不同的文化——这一切并不难。


  赵洁,甘肃会宁人,北京外国语大学英语语言学硕士,曾在大型国有企业和外资企业就职。爱好广泛,一直坚持阅读国内外报刊杂志。  学英语的信条是“Little by little,step by step”,只有不断积累,才能学好英语。


Unit 1  European Union and Lisbon Treaty    欧盟和里斯本条约Unit 2 U.S.President Obama’S Inauguration    美国总统奥巴马的上任演讲Unit 3 Medicare Reform in U.S.    美国全面医疗改革Unit 4 Total Solar Eclipse    世纪日全食Unit 5 HlNl Flue Raised to Level 6    甲流防控级别提升至六级Unit 6 Copenhagen Climate Summit    哥本哈根气候大会Unit 7 Afghanistan and U.S.Troops’Withdrawal    阿富汗与美国撤兵Unit 8 G8 Summit in Italy    意大利G8峰会Unit 9  Winners in 2009 Nobel Prize    2009年诺贝尔奖获得者Unit 10 Hillary Clinton’S Trip to Asia    希拉里亚洲之行Unit ll  NATO’S 60th Anniversary    北约成立60周年Unit 12  Somali Pirates    索马里海盗横行Unit 13 Russian’S Gas to Europe    俄罗斯向欧洲供气问题Unit 14 Iran and Nuclear Issues    伊朗核问题Unit 15 Haiti Eaahquake    海地地震Unit 16 DPRK and Six-party Talks    朝鲜问题和六方和谈Unit 17 Dubai Tower:The Tallest Building in the World    迪拜塔成为世界最高建筑物Unit 18 G20 Summit    二十国峰会Unit 19  Israel and Palestinian Issues    巴以问题Unit 20  3D Television    3D电视Unit 21  Greek Debt Crisis    希腊债务危机Unit 22 Lithuania Shuts Down Nuclear Power P1ant    立陶宛关闭核电站Unit 23  French Debate on National Identity    法国的民族身份问题辩论


  Elsewhere,a paial eclipse was visible across much of Asia.  In India,millions gathered in open spaces from the west coast to the northern plains,with clouds parting in some cities at dawn-just before the total eclipse.  But thick clouds and an overcast sky obscured the view at the Indian village of Tar-egna,“epicentre”of the eclipse,says our correspondent in the area.  Many of the thousands of people who gathered there to watch the eclipse left the vil-lage disappointed.  “We were apprehensive of this cloudy weather but it was still a unique experience with morning turning into night for more than three minutes.”scientist Amitabh Pande told the Associated Press news agency.




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