
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:企业管理出版社  作者:刘红 著  页数:262  


  亲情是什么?  亲情是一颗明星,  在漆黑的夜里,  它能给迷途的心指引方向。  亲情是什么?  亲情是一根绳子,  用它的身躯,  把心与心紧紧地连了起来。  亲情是什么?  亲情是一罐蜂蜜,  蕴含着浓浓的香味儿,  使人们的心儿如痴如醉。  亲情是什么?亲情是我们来到人世间所接触到的第一情感,是一种最深厚、最牢固的爱:它不会因时间、地点的转移而改变,也不会因意外或变故而中止;亲情是一种微妙的感觉,是内心深处不经意间的牵挂与惦记,是愿为对方付出一切的渴求。生活中经历挫折与坎坷。


  Doozens of stories about family love have been selected in this book, touching and thought--provoking. Reading ,these essays, all the hearts desiring love and happiness will produce beautiful ripples. Let the touching and grateful feeling enrich our lives. The family love is so deep, so sweet. And the love will surely go ahead with us hand in hand;the love enables us to be together forever. After the busy work or study, reading these moving stories in bilingual language may bring you a lot of fun. Read carefully and taste with all your heart. They are limpid springs moistening souls, the bright sunshine shed on our lives. We sincerely hope the book comforting hearts will bring you an unprecedented touch.


The Heart—Shaped Pillow心形枕头Grandfathers Clock祖父的大钟Moms Cookies妈妈的小甜饼A Daughters Thanks to Her Mother女儿对母亲的感谢Obamas Letter to His Daughters奥巴马给女儿的信What Motherhood Really Means母性的真谛Don’t Kiss Me Goodbye不要再和我吻别了Morn Who Likes to Wrote Family Letters爱写家书的母亲The Heart Song心灵之歌Mother and Child妈妈与孩子Letters from Heaven天堂的来信Bobbys Gift博比的礼物Coke and Smile可乐与微笑The Wedding Dance婚礼之舞Christmas Story圣诞节的故事My Father,My Son and Myself父亲、儿子和我Reaching for The Sunshine拥抱阳光When Allie Left Home当艾莉长大成人时Daddys Little Girl爸爸的小女儿My Mothers Gift妈妈的礼物All You Remember那些人生中你所记得的事A Beruffled Essay Paper一张褶皱的作业纸Feeling Fathers Love感受父爱The Unconditional Mothers Love无条件的母爱Dads Love Is Voiceless父爱无声I Have a Date with My Mother我与妈妈有个约会Oh,My Dear Son哦,我亲爱的儿子Mother Machree慈母颂If I Could Have Picked Again,I Would Still Have Picked You如果能重新选择,我始终会选你What Makes a Home家是什么The Scar of Love爱的伤疤Eathers Love父亲的爱Not“Just a Mom”不仅仅是位母亲A Father,a Son and the Answer父亲、儿子与答案(一)M-O-T-H-E-R母亲(二)Mother母亲Prayer for Mother为母亲祈祷A Box Full of Kisses充满亲吻的盒子L0ve Your Mother than You Love Yourself爱你的妈妈要甚于爱你自己My Busy Day我繁忙的13子My Fathers Gift爸爸的礼物Run Through the Rain冒雨狂奔Love Is Just a Thread爱只是一根线A Childs Angel孩子的守护天使A Present with Love一份爱的礼物Mothers Hands母亲的手LOve in Bloom爱如鲜花盛开A Letter to the Adolescent Daughter给青春期女儿的建议Home,Sweat Home家啊!甜蜜的家Eight Lies of a Mother during Her Life一个母亲一生撒的八个谎言


  情人节到了,跟往常一样,我的日程表依然安排得满满的。我的丈夫罗伊是个很浪漫的人,策划好了一个我们从未有过的约会。他在一家高档餐厅预订了桌位,在情人节到来的前几天,他还在我的梳妆台上留下了一份包装精美的礼品。  一天繁忙的工作过后,我匆匆赶回家,跑进屋,一头便扎进了浴室。等丈夫到家的时候,我已经穿上自己最漂亮的衣服,只等出发了。他拥抱了我,此时帮我们照看小孩的人也正好到了。我们俩都很高兴。遗憾的是,我们家里最小的成员却不那么高兴。“爸爸,你不是要带我去给妈妈买礼物的吗?”我那8岁的女儿贝姬一边说着,一边沮丧地走向沙发,坐在了那位临时过来照顾她的女士旁边。罗伊看了一下手表,他意识到如果我们想要按时到达我们预订的餐厅,必须立即动身。他甚至都抽不出几分钟时间带女儿去街角小店买盒鸡心形盒装巧克力糖。  “对不起,宝贝,今天回家会晚点儿。”他说。  “没事儿,”贝姬回答道,“我明白。”整个晚上可以说是既甜蜜,却又有几分苦涩。我总会情不自禁地想到贝姬眼里流露出的失望。我忘不了就在我们关上房门的那一刹那,贝姬脸上那原本因情人节而散发出的兴奋的光芒一下子消失了。她想让我知道她是多么爱我。她或许并没有意识到,我心里已经很清楚了。  今天,我已记不得那个精美的盒子里装的是什么礼物了,尽管我因它兴奋了好几天,但是当晚我们回到家时收到的另一份特殊的礼物让我永生难忘。贝姬在沙发上睡着了,但双手还紧握着一个放在她腿上的盒子。当我亲吻她的脸颊时,她醒了。“妈妈,我有样东西要送给您。”说着,小脸蛋上绽放出灿烂的笑容。


  让孩子感到家庭是世界上最幸福的地方,这是以往有涵养的大人明智的做法。这种美妙的家庭情感,在我看来,和大人赠给孩子们的那些最精致的礼物一样珍贵。  ——华盛顿·欧文  人的嘴唇所能发出的最甜美的字眼,就是母亲.最美好的呼唤,就是“妈妈”。  ——纪伯伦


  Dozens of stories about family love have been selected in this book, touching and thought-provoking. Reading these essays, all the hearts desiring love and happiness will produce beautiful ripples. Let the touching and grateful feeling enrichour lives. The family love is so deep, so sweet. And the love will surely go ahead with us hand in hand, the love enables us to be together forever. After the busy work or study, reading these moving stories in bilingual language may bring you a lot of fun. Read carefully and taste with all your heart. They are limpid springs moistening souls, the bright sunshine shed on our lives. We sincerely hope the book comforting hearts will bring you an unprecedented touch.  我为英语狂



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