出版时间:2008-10 出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司 作者:格勒 页数:305 字数:262000
《现代中国藏学文库》丛书主要包括四个方面的内容:中国藏学家(包括港澳台学者)的学术专著;具有重要价值的藏学文献(包括现代学者辑录的历史文献);译成汉文的藏文学术名著;获得博士学位的藏学论文(对于优秀的硕士研究生论文酌情予以收录)。所有收入的论著,均以学术价值为唯一衡量标准,文学作品、游记、通俗读物等暂不收录。 本书为其中一册,分为藏族历史宗教研究、藏族社会文化研究和人类学与人类文化的多样性三部分。
PART 1 Tibetan Culture Research A Brief Description of the Historical Relations between Ancient Tibetan Culture and the Chinese Culture The Tibetan Plateau-One of the Homes of Early Man A General Introduction to Tibetan Culture and Religion Introduction to Nomads of Tibet Four Types Koradji of Tibetan Bon Shamanism PART 2 Social and Economic Changes in TAR and Other Tibetan Areas Three Stages of Development of Tibetan Families and Modernization of Tibet Economic Reforms: Effects on Household Patterns of Tibetan Nomads with Hal Miao Protection of Natural Forests and Sustainable Forest Management in the Tibetan Inhabited Areas Tibetan Social Development and Culture Changes--PrefacePART 3 Anthropology Field Work Anthropological Field Survey on Basic Education Development in the Eastern Tibet Nomadic Community The Herders of Eastern Tibet: Notes from an Anthropological Field Study Marital Payments: The Case of Tibetan Nomads The Washul Sethar:A Nomadic Community of Eastern Tibet
插图:Professor Xu Zhongshu made a textual search and proved that the ethnic Xia in the Central Plains had a close relationship in history with the Hu in the north, Yue in the south, and Di-Qiang in the west. He said that during the Xia and Shang dynasties a part of the ethnic Xia migrated to the north and later became the Xiongnu people( or Huns), a part of the ethnic Xia migrated to the south of the Yangtse River and later became the Yue people. The Qiang in the west had even closer relationship with ethnic Xia. According to Professor Xu, the main tribes of the Xia Dynasty were the Qiang.The Xia and Qiang had the same origin. After the founding of the Xia Dynasty a part of the ethnic Xia moved westwards, lived together with the Qiang people and intermarried with them. Thus they assimilated quite a few ancient Di-Qiang people. A part of the DiQiang group migrated from the Central Plains to the south and thus brought into being some ethnic groups belonging to the Miao-Yao linguistic group. Thus, from the Shang and Zhou dynasties to the period of Qin and Han, the Huaxia ethnic group, who rose up in the Yellow River valley, migrated in all directions and expanded. They had an advanced culture and attracted, merged with and assimilated their neighboring ethnic minorities. By the Qin-Han period, they had finally established a unified, multi-ethnic nation with themselves as the dominant ethnic group.