出版时间:2010-4 出版社:知识产权出版社 作者:王永聘 页数:668
英语写作是英语爱好者和大学生的一项艰巨的任务,也是一种情趣。写作初学者往往需要花费很大工夫进行磨练,逐步掌握写作知识和各种技巧,以期提高写作水平。有一定写作基础的人。尤其是英语专业本科生和非英语专业的研究生或本科生,虽然往往提笔便能成章,但仍然需要精益求精,努力达到炉火纯青之境地。可喜的是,在各种大学生英语作文比赛,以及专业英语四、八级、大学英语四、六级作文考试中,常有佳作脱颖而出。令人耳目一新。然而,受东方思维模式以及汉语语言习惯的干扰,依然有许多学生英语写作欠佳。有的学生4年本科临近毕业,填一份英语表格仍感困难。在英文写作中,比如说“毕业论文”,且不说一系列格式(各个院校有自己的规定),有的还没写上几句就出现多处错误。细微处如标点符号,要么使用不当,要么滥用,有的甚至连字母的大小写都掌握不好。当然,较低年级的学生在写作方面存在的问题不会更小。笔者曾多次在学生作文中(不过,偶尔也在出版的写作书籍中)见过这样或类似的句子:“In my opinion,I think we university students should support ourselves by our own labor to:finish OUT studies.”这是一个流畅的句子,但这个句子的靠前部分,有一处实在是多余的。全句本来是一个很好的句子,但由于In my opinion和I think两个语义重叠的短语用在一起,破坏了整体意义结构,使其显得累赘,成了一个不够完美的句子。滴水映日,可见英语写作的训练和提高,无论是对老师的教学,还是对学生的学习而言,无疑是任重而道远。 本书的撰写,旨在为本科英语专业学生、大学外语学生以及相当于同等水平的学习者传授英语写作知识和写作技巧,帮助他们迅速增强写作能力,提高写作水平。
本书是一部集英语写作综合知识和各种写作技巧训练于一体的实用性书籍。全书用英文撰写,共分十章。系统地阐述了英语写作中各种规则、正确使用标点符号,选词、用词以及修辞格。涵盖了各种典型句子类型的分析和有效句子的写作、段落的种类和构成、主要应用文的运用和几种常用文体等的相关知识和写作手段,以及写作技能的训练。如何写摘要、短评和读书报告,怎样写学术论文等。 内容新颖,涉及范围较广,可作为教材,也可作为工具书。有助于专业英语和大学英语各类学生、出国人员以及有一定英语基础的人学习和掌握写作知识与技巧,提高英语写作能力。
Chapter One Fundamental Knowledge 1.1 General Remarks 1.2 Basic Rules of Manuscript Form 1.3 Handwriting 1.4 Punctuation ASSIGNMENTSChapter Two Phraseology 2.1 General Remarks 2.2 Types of Words 2.3 Sorts of Lexical Item 2.4 Levels of Words 2.5 Meaning of Words 2.6 Choice of Words 2.7 Appreciation of Skillful Diction ASSIGNMENTS: Chapter Three Making Right and Effective Sentences 3.1 General Remarks 3.2 Types of Sentences 3.3 Effective Sentences ASSIGNMENTS: Chapter Four Rhetorical Devices 4.1 General Remarks 4.2 The Function of Figures In Writing 4.3 Commonly Used Figures ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: Chapter Five The Practical Writing 5.1 General Remarks 5.2 Types of Practical Writing ASSIGNMENTS: Chapter Six The Paragraph 6.1 General Remarks 6.2 Features of a Paragraph 6.3 Structure of a Paragraph 6.4 How to write good paragraphs 6.5 Appreciation of effective paragraphs ASSIGNMENTS: 6.6 Ways of Expanding a Paragraph ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS:ASSIGNMENTS: Chapter Seven Organizing the Whole Composition 7.1 General Remarks 7.2 Basic Principles 7.3 Structure of Writing 7.4 Stages of Writing 7.5 Samples of the whole composition ASSIGNMENTS: Chapter Eight Types of writing 8.1 General Remarks 8.2 Different Types of Compositions of TEM-4 ASSIGNMENTS: 8.3 Description ASSIGNMENTS: 8.4 Narration ASSIGNMENTS: 8.5 Exposition ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: 8.6 Argumentation ASSIGNMENTS: 8.7 Writing Different Compositions by Assigning Subjects Chapter Nine The Summary, Brief Comment and Book Report 9.1 General Remarks 9.2 Practice of Writing Summary, Brief Comment, and Book Report ASSIGNMENTS: Chapter Ten The Academic Paper 10.1 General Remarks 10.2 General Principles and Techniques 10.3 Layout and Process 10.4 Format 10.5 Samples of Academic Papers ASSIGNMENTS: APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY
A proper choice of words in our writing is of utlnost importance for acquiring effective sentences in a paragraph,even effective para-graphs of the whole essay.To be more exact,a pleasing and Successful essay,to a certain extent,depends on using accurate words. As an experienced writer,he is usually good at choosing most proper words in his writing.As a writing learner.who is quite inferior,may sometimes use wrong words in his writing,or more often the words he uses are not entirely wrong,but inappropriate,inexact,unidiomatic or unattractive.For instance: a)People construct homes,and families make houses. b)Carelessness is the major reason of his failure in the exam. c)The retired professor takes healthy exercise every morning. d)After divorce,Mr.Andre formed the rule of drinking every night. e)Eating dumpling on the Eve of Lunar New Year is a Chinese habit. f)7 Although young animals are certainly in risk sometimes for weeks or even months after birth,they can be protected and would finally survive. g)?Frequently,committees rely on outside experts to assist in conducting investigative hearings and to make out detailed studies of issues. Interpret:AU the above sentences are faulty.We Can analyze and improve each of them.In Sentence a)“construct”is somewhat a big word,and“make houses”is inappropriately used here.The whole sentence should be improved as:“People build houses,and families make homes.”