
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:知识产权出版社  作者:李金云 主编  页数:284  






1.RiD Van Winkle2.The Minister’S Black Veil3.The Cask of Amonstillado  4.The Signal—Man5.The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County6.The Three Strangers7.Markheim.8.The Nightingale and the Rose9.A Charming Family10.The Cop and the Anthem11.The Gardener12.Compensation  13.Sredni Vashtar14.The Lost Phoebo15.Love of Life16.I Want to Know Why17.Araby18.The Horse Dealer’S Daughter19.The Man without Temperament20.Babylon Revisite


WHOEVER has made a voyage up the Hudsona must remember the Kaatskill Mountains2. They are a dismembered branch of the great Appalachian family3 ,and are seenaway to the west of the river,swelling up to a noble height,and lording it over the sur rounding country. Every change of season, every change of weather, indeed, every hour of the day,produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains,and they are regarded by all the good wives,far and near,as perfect barometers. When the weather is fair and settled,they are clothed in blue and purple,and print their bold outlines on the clear evening sky; but sometimes, when the rest of the landscape is cloudless, they willgather a hood of gray vapors about their summits, which, in the last rays of the setting sun,will glow and light up like a crown of glory.At the foot of these fairy mountains the voyager may have descried the light smokecurling up from a village whose shingle roofs gleam among the trees,just where the bluetints of the upland melt away into the fresh green of the nearer landscape. It is a little villageof great antiquity, having been founded by some of the Dutch colonists, in the earlytimes of the province, just about the beginning of the government of the good Peter StuyvesanP (may he rest in peace! ),and there were some of the houses of the original settiers standing within a few years,built of small yellow bricks brought from Holland, havinglatticed windows and gable fronts,surmounted with weathercocks.





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  •   其实我本来是买另一本的 但貌似没有货了 才买了这一本 整本书是没有译文的 但是有作者的生平和作品风格的简介 以及文章的赏析 还挺好的 哦还有文章的一些脚注 但没有理想中的好。。本来就是买错了的东西 不过 怎么样都是练阅读的东西 也都不错了。。选的文章也很经典
  •   提升英文水平
  •   很好很快很便宜, 快递员态度也好!
  •   原文是英文的呀,还好篇节不是很长,赏析是中文的
  •   蛮好的,和我预定的一模一样,信用度挺高的,但是有些书经常缺货,过了很久去看还是缺货,对有些读者是很大的不方便,这个应该极大的改进
  •   这书不错哦~呵呵~
  •   还不错,小说都很经典,赏析也比较到位,适合想提高小说赏析能力的人看,对考英美文学研究生的人也很有帮助,特别是考北外英美文学的
  •   短篇小说加评论,一般吧

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