出版时间:1970-1 出版社:知识产权出版社 作者:《中国知识产权保护手册》编委会 页数:400
In the process of the rising of knowledge economy and the economic globalization,international competition is becoming increasingly fierce,and the national core competitiveness lies in the capacity to foster,allocate and regulate intellectual innovation achievements and Intellectual Propertv (IP) resources.The practice of international socioeconomic development has exhibited explicitly that the competition in the future of the world is the competition of IP.The 11 th Five-Year Plan Outline,adopted at the 4th Session of the 10th NPC,proposed explicitly the strategy goal of building China into all innovative country.In the Outline,the increase of independent innovation capacity is taken as the strategic basis for the development of science and technology,and the center for the adjustment of industrial structure and the transformation of growth pattern.Efforts shall be made to improve original innovation capability,integration and innovation capability, and the capability for introduction,absorption,and renovation.As a basic system for encouraging and protecting innovation,and promoting socioeconomic development,IP system is becoming more and more important.
《中国知识产权保护手册》内容全面,不仅包括专利、商标、版权等传统知识产权的内容,还将植物新品种、集成电路布图设计、地理标志等知识产权类别囊括其中,针对各种权利的取得、运用和保护等具体问题进行了详细而全面的介绍,特别是提供了许多实用的信息。无论是中国的个人或企业,还是他国想在中国获得知识产权保护的个人或企业,都司以在《中国知识产权保护手册》找到需要的信息——行政管理、司法保护、海关保护等多方面的内容。 The Handbook covers a wide range of contents in patent, trademark, copyright and other traditional Intellectual Property (IP) contents, as well as such IP categories as new varieties of plants, Layout Design of integrated circuit, and geographical indications. It gives detailed and comprehensive introduction in view of the specific issues including the acquisition, application, and protection of various rights.In particular, it provides lots of practical information. Individuals or enterprises in China, or foreign individuals or enterprises that hope to obtain IP protection in China, can find the information they want in the Handbook——administrative regulation, judicial protection, customs protection, and many other contents.
Table of ContentsParacePublisher's Notes National Intellectual Property Starategy OutlineChapter 1 Overview Section 1 The Meaning of Intellectual Property Section 2 Situation of China’s IP Protection Ⅰ.Legal situation Ⅱ.Working system and law enforcement mechanism Ⅲ.Integration of administrative oranges for law enforcement and the criminal and judicial organs for law enforcement Ⅳ.IP communication and popularization Ⅴ.Making positive efforts to perform international obligations to protect IP Ⅵ.Significant achievements in IP protection Section 3 Compilation of the State IPR Strategy Ⅰ.The background for the compilation of the state IPR strategy Ⅱ.Goals and major contents of the work on formulating the state IPR strategy Ⅲ.Progress of the work on formulating the state IPR strategy Ⅱ China IP Protection Handbook Ⅳ.Implementation of the work on formulating the state IPR strategy Chapter 2 Protection of patents Section 1 How to obtain a patent right? Ⅰ.Characteristics of patent right Ⅱ.0bject of patent right Ⅲ.Flowchart of patent application and examination Ⅳ.Patent right application Ⅴ.Patent receiving Ⅵ.Examination and approval of patent right Ⅶ.Effect of patent right Ⅷ.PCT international application Section 2 How to Ratty Patent-related Illegal Actions? Ⅰ.Scope of patent right protection Ⅱ.Patent—related iUegal actions Ⅲ.Legal liability for patent—related illegal actions Section 3 How a patentee maintains his or its legitimate rights? Ⅰ.Ways for a patentee to maintain rights through judicial litigation Ⅱ.Administrative channels for a patentee to maintain rights through Ⅲ.Customs protection Chapter 3 Protection of trademark right Section I How to obtain trademark right? Ⅰ.Noticefor trademark registration application Ⅱ.Trademark registration procedures Ⅲ.Effectiveness of trademark right Section 2 How to determine infringement acts? ……Chapter 4 Protection of copyrightChapter 5 New variety of plant protectionChapter 6 Integrate circuit Layout Design protectionChapter 7 Unfair competitionChapter 8 Customs protectionChapter 9 Protection of other intellectual propertiesChapter 10 Appendix
(4) Basically complete the building of the independent,technically advanced,and functionally complete platform for IPR information retrieval and analysis(5)Improve the pubic IPR awareness,build healthy IPR culture.andfoster an IPR work team consisting of IPR talents with outstanding calibers.(6)Remarkably improve China's influence on international IPR affairs,and effectively maintain China's economic security,national sovereignty,and other fundamental interests.2.Major contentsThe compilation of the state IPR strategy falls into two parts,i.e outlineand special topics.The relationship between the two is that the outlineis based on the special topics,and the special topics are guided by theoutline,and they are interdependent with mutual promotion.The final achievement of the compilation is specified as the Outline forthe State IPR Strategy|hereinafter called the Outline)and the researchreports on various special topics on the state IPR strategy.The Outline is the pandect part of the state IPR strategy.The Outlinespecifies the guideline,basic principle,basic goals,major measures,andkey tasks relevant to the state IPR strategy.Special topics cover five majorcategories,i.e.macro issue concerning the state IPR strategy,major IPRclassifications,building of the laws governing IPR,major managementaspects concerning IPR,and major sectors concerning IPR Research onspecial topics covers such major aspects of IPR as creation,management,implementation,and protection.