
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:航空工业出版社  作者:苏春 编  页数:208  




UNIT 1 FashionSECTION 1 Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION 2 Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION 3 Try Your Hands Complaint LetterUNIT 2 The lnternetSECTION 1 Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION 2 Try Your Brainextm Text BSECTION 3 Try Your Hands E-mailUNIT 3 SportsSECTION 1 Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION 2 Try Your BrainText ATextB SECTION 3 Try Your Hands PostersUNIT 4 EntertainmentSECTION 1 Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION 1[ Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION 3 Try Your Hands Letter of ThanksUNIT 5 Environmental ProtectionSECTION 1 Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION lI Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION 3 Try Your Hands MemosUNIT 6 MoralitySECTION 1 Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION 2 Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION 3 Try Your Hands I.O.U. and Receipt UNIT 7 Job HuntingSECTION 1 Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION 2 Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION 3 Try Your Hands ResumeUNIT 8 CareerSECTION | Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION 2 Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION 3 Try Your Hands ContractUNIT 9 LawSECTION 1 Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION 2 Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION 3 Try Your Hands OrderUNIT 10 Upon GraduationSECTION 1 Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION 2 Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION 3 Try Your HandsApplication for Studying Abroad



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