
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:航空工业出版社  作者:程晓东,白晶,王丽华 主编  页数:342  


  随着我国高等职业教育的进一步发展,高职高专教育已占据了高等教育的半壁江山。《新时代大学英语》系列教材依照教育部《高等职业教育英语课程教学要求(试行)》,本着以就业为导向、实用为主、够用为度、全面提升英语应用能力的原则进行设计、编写。本系列教材打破传统教材编写模式,结合一线教学实践,吸收国外优秀教材之优点,融入全新的教育理念和科学的教学方法,在实用性、适度性、趣味性和时代性等几个方面特色鲜明。  实用性  教材内容贴近实际,以学生的日常生活和职场交际为着眼点,使学生在循序渐进的听、说、读、写、译等训练中提升语言的应用能力,真正做到学以致用。  适度性  教材打破传统的单一结构性的束缚,依据学生的接受能力和实际需求选取学习内容,层次分明,难易适度,能够满足不同基础学生的学习需要。  趣味性  教材板块设计灵活、多样;情境设置易于操作,有助于学习兴趣的提高,使学生主动参与到课堂的学习当中,建立互动的教学模式。  时代性  教材所选文章内容紧扣时代脉搏,涵盖当前社会热点、重大事件和流行话题等诸多方面,能够使学生在熟悉的背景之下进行英语学习,激发学习热情,提升学习效果。  我希望教材能够受到学习者的欢迎,更希望能够得到同行专家的批评指正,以更好地满足广大学习者的需求,适应新时期高等职业教育发展的需要。


本书依据教育部《高等职业教育英语课程教学要求(试行)》,贯彻实用为主、够用为度、与时俱进的编写理念,结合一线教学实践进行编写。为充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,全面提升听、说、读、写、译等能力,本系列教材融入了视、听、说、演、练等多种教学方式,内容丰富、题材多样、定位准确、重点突出。    本书包括《新时代大学英语综合教程(3)》的全部内容,以及教学目标、教学时间、教学步骤、背景信息、补充知识、听力及视频文本、课文译文、单词详解和参考答案等内容。  本书可作为高职高专院校公共英语教师的教学参考书,也可供广大英语爱好者自学参考。


Unit 1 Job Hunting  SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One: Listen and Practice  Part Two: Listen and Repeat  Part Three: Role Play  SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B  SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands  Resume Unit 2 Career  SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One: Listen and Practice  Part Two: Listen and Repeat  Part Three: Role Play  SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B  SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands  Contract Unit 3 Advertisement  SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One: Listen and Practice  Part Two: Listen and Repeat  Part Three: Role Play  SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B  SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands  Product Introduction Unit 4 Multinational Corporations  SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One: Listen and Practice  Part Two: Listen and Repeat  Part Three: Role Play  SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B  SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands  Company Description Unit 5 Science and Technology  SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One: Listen and Practice  Part Two: Listen and Repeat  Part Three: Role Play  SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B  SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands  Inquiry Unit 6 Insurance  SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One: Listen and Practice  Part Two: Listen and Repeat  Part Three: Role Play  SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B  SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands  Offer Unit 7 Law  SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One: Listen and Practice  Part Two: Listen and Repeat  Part Three: Role Play  SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B  SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands  Oradr Unit 8 Upon Graduation  SECTION I Try Your Ears and Mouth  Part One: Listen and Practice  Part Two: Listen and Repeat  Part Three: Role Play  SECTION II Try Your Brain  Text A  Text B  SECTION Ⅲ Try Your Hands Application for Studying Abroad


  Interest and hobby play a push role in selecting jobs.However,personal interest and hobby arethe important evidences in selecting jobs,not the whole evidences.Only when you build them oncertain abilities,and connect with social needs,they may acquire realistic basis to accomplish them.  Therefore,it is necessary to cultivate personal interests and hobbies,develop personalexpertise(专门知识或技能),and thereby make interests and hobbies aimed to enlarge the field offinding ajob.  Psychologists prefer that,you should,according to your personality,select your job,only thatCan you connect your activities with your caree~bring your talent and specialty into full play andcontrol your work with high proficiency.Such as:  1.Those with rational personalities prefer tO think carefully,expertize in weighing the meritsand demerits.So,they are suitable for management,research and educational jobs.  2.Those with emotional personalities display strong and rich emotion,strong emotionalactivities,SOtheyare suitableforartand servicejobs.  3.Those with strong will have clear goals,and they act positively and determinedly.So theyare suitable for determined and operational jobs. It is not difficult for US to find the phenomena in selecting a job relating to temperament:somechoose teaching as their career,but have violent character and no patience;some choose reporter,but they react slowly and have steady personality.Therefore,original ideal careers lose theiroriginal color.The reason is not the problem of those people’S abilities,but that their temperamentsdon’t suit the careers they choose.From that we know,temperament not only affects one’S choiceof career,but also directly affects the fate of specificjobs,When selecting ajob,we should do it according tO our temperament.  ……



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