
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:航空工业出版社  作者:[美] 弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特 原著,Andrew Hanratty 改编  页数:405  译者:李正玉 译注  




作者:(美国)弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特(Frances Hodgson Burnett) 注译:李正玉 改编:(美国)汉瑞特(Andrew Hanratty) 丛书主编:王若平


Sara萨拉A French Lesson法语课Ermengarde娥蒙嘉德Lottie洛蒂Becky贝基The Diamond Mines钻石矿The DiamondMines Again再谈钻石矿In the Attic在阁楼Melchisedec梅基赛代克The Indian Gentleman印度来的先生Ram Dass拉姆·达斯The Other Side ofme Wall墙的另一边One ofthe Crowd一个普通人What Melchisedec Heard and Saw梅基赛代克的所见所闻The Magic魔法The Visitor来访者“It Is the Child!”“就是这个孩子!”“I Tried Not To Be”“我不想”“Anne”“安妮”


When Sara entered the flower-decorated schoolroom in the after- noon, she did so as the head of a sort of procession. Miss Minchin, in her grandest silk dress, led her by the hand. A man-servant followed, carrying the box containing the Last Doll, a maid carried a second box, and Becky brought up the rear, carrying a third and wearing a clean apron and a new cap. Sara would have much preferred to enter in the usual way, but Miss Minchin had sent for her, and, after an in- terview in her private sitting room, had expressed her wishes."This is not an ordinary occasion,"  she said.  "I do not desire that it should be treated as one."So Sara was led grandly in and felt shy when, on her entry, the big girls stared at her and touched each other's elbows, and the little ones began to move excitedly in their seats." Silence, young ladies! "  said Miss Minchin, at the murmur which arose.  "James, place the box on the table and remove the lid. Emma, put yours upon a chair. Becky!"  suddenly and severely.Becky had quite forgotten herself in her excitement, and was grinning at Lottie, who was moving restlessly with great expectation. She almost dropped her box, the disapproving voice so startled her, and her frightened, unstable courtesy of apology was so funny that Lavinia and Jessie laughed."It is not your place to look at the young ladies,"  said Miss Minchin.  "You forget yourself. Put your box down."Becky obeyed with alarmed haste and backed toward the door."You may leave us,"  Miss Minchin announced to the servants with a wave of her hand. Beeky stepped aside respectfully to allow the superior servants to pass out first. She could not help casting a longing glance at the box on the table. Something made of blue satin was peeping from between the folds of tissue paper."If you please, Miss Minchin,"  said Sara, suddenly,  " May Becky stay?"It was a bold thing to do. Miss Minchin was betrayed into some- thing like a slight jump. Then she put her glasses up, and gazed at her show pupil uncomfortably."Becky!"  she exclaimed.  "My dearest Sara!"Sara advanced a step toward her."I want her because I know she will like to see the presents," she explained.  "She is a little girl, too, you know."Miss Minchin was extremely embarrassed. She glanced from one figure to the other."My dear Sara," she said,  "Becky is the kitchen maid. Kitchen maids are not little girls."It really had not occurred to her to think of them in that light. Kitchen maids were machines who carried coal-boxes and made fires."But Becky is,"  said Sara.  "And I know she would enjoy her- self. Please let her stay, because it is my birthday."Miss Minchin replied with much dignity:"As you ask it as a birthday favor, she may stay. Rebecca, thank Miss Sara for her great kindness."Becky had been backing into the corner, twisting the bottom of her apron in delight. She came forward, bowing, but between Sara's eyes and her own there passed a gleam of friendly understanding, while her words tumbled over each other."Oh, if you please, miss!  I'm very grateful, miss!  I did want to did. Thank you, miss. And thank you, ma'am,"—— turning and making an alarmed bow to Miss Minchin —— "for let- ting me take the liberty."Miss Minchin waved her hand again —— this time it was in the direction of the comer near the door."Go and stand there,"  she commanded.  " Not too near the young ladies."Becky went to her place, grinning. She did not care where she was sent, so that she might have the luck of being inside the room, instead of being downstairs in the kitchen, while these delights were going on."Now, young ladies, I have a few words to say to you,"  she an- nounced."She's going to make a speech,"  whispered one of the girls.  "I wish it was over."Sara felt rather uncomfortable. As this was her party, it was prob- able that the speech was about her. It is not agreeable to stand in a schoolroom and have a speech made about you."You are aware, young ladies,"  the speech began, for it was a speech,  "that dear Sara is eleven years old today.""Dear Sara!"  murmured Lavinia."Several of you here have also been eleven years old, but Sara's birthdays are rather different from other little girls' birthdays. When she is older she will be heiress to a large fortune, which it will be her duty to spend in a proper manner.""The diamond mines,"  giggled Jessie, in a whisper.Sara did not hear her; but as she stood with her green-gray eyes fixed steadily on Miss Minchin, she felt herself growing rather hot. When Miss Minchin talked about money.






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  •   一位小女孩儿的成长历程,从一名贵族小姐成长为一位真正的公主,很感动很受启发。
  •   床灯低下一杯茶,别有洞天非人间。读英语小说,是在用西方文化来调遣想象力。这种感觉不是在汉语阅读中所能体会出来的。
  •   词汇、语法、句子结构都不很难,读起来很有趣,故事性很强。希望6500词系列多出一些

  •   书真的很不错,但我居然没有看多少,我总结了一下,可能是因为我的阅读水平太低,不过还是要耐心看下去的,希望这本书对我的英语水平有所提高.......补充一点.....快递太慢了,等了很久书才到...
  •   只要心里充满爱和美好的想象,无论贫富,都是最美的公主。
  •   虽然英语水平有限,但毕竟慢慢的读完了,很好看。
  •   每个人都应该有这份自信! 只要相信自己,你就是公主!
  •   帮表妹买的,学英语用
  •   内容可读性强 封面和书页都很精美
  •   虽然书的封面很普通 但内容很好 学到好多 单词难度刚刚好适合高中生读 每天读上十几页很轻松 很开心 收获很大
  •   拿到后对内容粗略翻看了一下,感觉难度对自己挺合适。版式排得非常好,不但有全中文翻译,而且将可能的生词及注释标出,非常实用。
  •   这本书看了好久,很喜欢这个故事,文章的难易程度适中
  •   中英的,单词也不是太难。
  •   朋友说 很喜欢
  •   这本书的语言描写很细腻,很清新。非常喜欢
  •   这个故事很有趣,不同于其他的深的书,易懂有趣味。
  •   这个系列的书非常好……原汁原味的英文……
  •   好好啊,非常满意,还会再买的
  •   帮别人买的,还不错。挺好的
  •   I love this book.It helps me find the world more beautiful if you truely believe it.The little princess is a real teacher for all adults.
  •   满喜欢的 适合中等学习者
  •   不管是封面 和内容还有质感,都不 好
  •   这本书能提高英语阅读能力
  •   我是只有一点点英语基础,看看还不错,物流超给力啊
  •   床头灯的系列,已经买了不少,实在是不错,如果这个也能配上p3边听边看就更好了
  •   嗯,还没看。看包装还不错。希望有帮助,
  •   看了很少,
  •   拿来时封面有破损。。。纸张。。。。好厚的一本。。真的很适合做英语阅读。。。。
  •   书的封面有褶皱
  •   只是想要《小公主》,没怎么仔细看,原来这是啥书虫的,英文的执笔是另一个人,中文的字体有点挤很难看,封底不是介绍作品而是介绍牌子……哎不知道退货能不能退回钱,平邮还要打印什么呢,都没有打印机咯
  •   印刷不是很好,感觉像盗版的
  •   英汉对照,畅销小说。
  •   在百度上看了一点,蛮想继续看下去,就买了这本书,比预期的要厚很多。速度很快…
  •   是听同学说不错,但是貌似我当时不是选的这个版本的,看上去书的质量不是特别好!但中英的,还可以。。。

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