
出版时间:2007-12  出版社:社会科学文献出版社  作者:倪鹏飞  页数:228  


  《中国城市竞争力(英文版)》主要内容包括Urban Competitiveness of China: Theoretical Hypotheses、Urban Competitiveness of China: Empirical Test、Urban Competitiveness of China: New Empirical Test、Core Competitiveness of chainese City: Industrial Cluster、The International Background of Urban Competitiveness of  China: the Urban Competitiveness Comparison of Global、Urban Competitiveness of China: Pattern, Phase and Driving Force等。


Chapter 1   Urban Competitiveness of China: Theoretical Hypotheses  1.1   Introduction  1.2  Basic Hypotheses of Urban Competitiveness 1.3  The Components of Urban Competitiveness 1.4  Test of Hypotheses of Urban Competitiveness of ChinaChapter 2  Urban Competitiveness of China: Empirical Test 2.1   The Principle of Fuzzy Curves 2.2   Basic Test Procedures of the Hypotheses of Urban Competitiveness of China 2.3  Analysis of Outcome 2.4  Urban Competitiveness Measurement Model Depending on Important Components 2.5  Policy SuggestionsChapter 3  Urban Competitiveness of China: New Empirical Test 3.1   The Theoretical Expression and Quantitative Analysis of Urban Competitiveness 3.2  The Results of Quantitative and Positive Analysis on Urban Competitiveness of China 3.3  Comparison and Analysis on the Quantification Results of ChineseUrban Competitiveness 3.4   Basic Conclusions and Policy ImplicationsChapter 4  The Core Competitiveness of chainese City: Industrial (luster 4.1   Survey on Industrial Cluster:  Chinese Emerging Economic Engine 4.2  Industrial Cluster in China: Industrial Cluster Maps of18 IndustriesChapter 5  The International Background of Urban Competitiveness of China: the Urban Competitiveness Comparison of GlobalCities 5.1   Urban Competitiveness and Measurement: Literature~Review 5.2   Urban Competitiveness and Its Measurement: Theoretical 5.3  Data and Research Methods 5.4  Analysis on Results AppendixChapter 6   Urban Competitiveness of China: Pattern, Phase and Driving Force 6.1   Introduction 6.2  Theory of Urban Competitiveness of China 6.3   Patterns of Urban Competitiveness of China 6.4  Urban Competitiveness of China: Phase and Driving Force 6.5  The Policy Proposals on the Improvement of International Competitiveness of Chinese CitiesReferences



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