
出版时间:2008-2  出版社:中国石化出版社  作者:任海涛,刘艺工 主编  页数:314  


  以前的法律英语教材对英美法的介绍可以说已经面面俱到了,但是学完这些法律英语的读者会发现他们用英语表达中国法律的能力仍然没有明显提高。原因很简单,中国属于大陆法系国家,英美法的英语表达与中国法律的英语表达无法对应。但是另一方面,我们在对外交流过程中越来越需要把中国法律用英语表达出来,因此编写一部用英语表达中国法律的著作日益迫切。  本书即是应对上述时势之需而编写的。全书共包括导论、公法篇、私法篇、程序法篇和国际法篇五个主要部分,分别对我国的宪法、行政法、刑法、民法、商法、民事诉讼法、刑事诉讼法、行政诉讼法、国际私法、国际经济法进行了介绍,内容全面,难易适中。通过学习本书,读者可以熟练掌握中国法律的英语表达,对于全面提高英语水平有很大帮助。




IntroductionPublic Law Lesson 1 Constitution  Chapter 1 The Basic Theory of Constitution of the People's Republic of China  Chapter 2 Character of State  Chapter 3 State Forms  Chapter 4 The Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens  Chapter 5 The Structure of the State Lesson 2 Administrative Law  Chapter 1 Introduction to Administrative Law  Chapter 2 Administrtive Body  Chapter 3 Administrative Counterpart in the Administrative Process  Chapter 4 Administrative Act  Chapter 5 Administrative Procedure  Chapter 6 Administrative Reconsideration  Chapter 7 Administrative Compensation  Chapter 8 Administrative Recuperation Lesson 3 Criminal Law  Chapter 1 Outline of Criminal Law  Chapter 2 Crime  Chapter3 Punishments(PartⅠ)  Chapter 4 Punishments(PartⅡ)  Chapter 5 Crimes of Endangering National Security  Chapter 6 Crimes of Endangering the Public Security  Chapter 7 Crimes of Disrupting the Order of the Socialist Market Economy  Chapter 8 Crimes of Infringing upon the Rights of the Person and the Democratic Rights of Citizens  Chapter 9 The Crime of Encroaching on Property  Chapter 10 Crimes of Disrupting the Order of Social Administration  Chapter 11 Embezzlement and Bribery  Chapter 12 Crimes of Dereliction of DutyPrivate Law Lesson 4 Civil Law  Chapter 1 Outline of Civil Law  Chapter 2 Natural Person  Chapter 3 Legal Persons  Chapter 4 Property and Marketable Securities  Chapter 5 Civil Juristic Acts  Chapter 6 Agency  Chapter 7 Limitation of Action and Time Periods Lesson 5 Commercial Law  Chapter 1 Maritime Code  Chapter 2 Company Law  Chapter 3 Partnership Law  Chapter 4 Law of Negotiable Instruments  Chapter 5 Insurance Law  Procedure Law Lesson 6 Civil Procedure Law  Chapter 1 Civil Procedure Law and Arbitration System  Chapter 2 Fundamental Principle and System  Chapter 3 Responsibility and Jurisdiction  Chapter 4 Parties  Chapter 5 Agents Ad Litem  Chapter 6 Civil Evidence  Chapter 7 Time Periods and Service  Chapter 8 Conciliation  Chapter 9 Ordinary Procedure of First Instance  Chapter 10 Summary Procedure  Chapter 11 Judgment and Order  Chapter 12 Procedure of Second Instance  Chapter 13 Procedure for Trial Supervision  Chapter 14 Special Procedure  Chapter 15 Payment Order  Chapter 16 Procedure for Publicizing Public Notice for Assertion of Claims  Chapter 17 Procedure for Bankruptcy and Debt Repayment of Legal Person Enterprises  Chapter 18 Procedure of Execution  Chapter 19 Civil Procedure of Cases Involving Foreign Element  Chapter 20 Enforcement  Chapter 21 Foreign-Related Arbitration Lesson 7 Criminal Procedure Law  Chapter 1 Survey of the Criminal Procedure Law  Chapter 2 Jurisdiction  Chapter 3 Withdrawal  Chapter 4 Defense and Representation  Chapter 5 Criminal Evidence  Chapter 6 Compulsory Measures  Chapter 7 Incidental Civil Actions, Time Periods and Service  Chapter 8 Filing a Case  Chapter 9 Investigation  Chapter 10 Initiation of Public Prosecution  Chapter 11 Procedure of First Instance  Chapter 12 Procedure of Second Instance  Chapter 13 Procedure for Review of Death Sentences  Chapter 14 Procedure for Trial Supervision  Chapter 15 Execution Lesson 8 Administrative Litigation Law  Chapter 1 Outline of Administrative Litigation  Chapter 2 Scope of Accepting Cases  Chapter 3 Jurisdiction of Administrative Litigation  Chapter 4 Participants in Administrative Litigation  Chapter 5 Evidence in Administrative Litigation  Chapter 6 Procedure of Administrative Litigation  Chapter 7 Judgment, Hoding and Resolution in Administrative Litigation  Chapter 8 Liability for Compensation of Infringement of Rights  Chapter 9 Administrative Procedure Involving Foreign InterestsInternational Law Lesson 9 Private International Law  Chapter 1 Introduction  Chapter 2 Subject of Private International Law  Chapter 3  Chapter 5 Specific Theories  Chapter 6 Resolutinn of International Civil and Commercial Dispute  Chapter 7 Interregional Conflict of Laws and Interregional Conflict Laws Lesson 10 International Economic Law  Chapter 1 General Introduction of International Economic Law  Chapter 2 Legal System of International Trade  Chapter 3 Transportation and Insurance Concerning International Sale of Goods  Chapter 4 International Payment of Trade  Chapter 5 Legal System of Control on International Trade  Chapter 6 Other Legal Systems in International Economic Law






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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   全是英文的,而且也没有单词注解,感觉就像是把一般中文法律介绍全部翻译成英文。。。
  •   感觉比朱义昆的那本好点
  •   此书介绍中确认的对象为一部分有对外交流需要的国内学生、学者以及对中国法律感兴趣的外国人,但对于此书的大部分可能读者————国内学生学者而言,大段落的英语原文未分段解析、仅标注个别可能造成再翻译错误(汉译英后再译回汉语)的单词、词组原汉义以及无全文翻译的编写体例,可能不太适合当前教育体系下大家英语水平的实际。学习用英语表达中国法律概念,因为存在文化背景的熟悉,很可能会使读者光顾着理解材料内容,而忽视了英语这个思维外壳的运用,毕竟看这本书的读者的目的不是要学习中国法律,而是希望获得用英语表达中国法律概念的方法,那么,多讲些“为什么这样翻”的内容,几乎是本书最应该承担的责任。我对作者是否完全达到了这一目标持保留看法。

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