
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:中国石化出版社  作者:《热能与动力工程专业英语》编写组 编  页数:144  


  《热能与动力工程专业英语》由精通英语的热能与动力工程专业的教师在总结多年科技英语和专 业英语经验的基础上编写而成。全书包括热工基础、热工设备、热工应用三 个部分。其中热工基础部分包括传热与热力学、燃料与燃烧、热工仪表及控 制原理等内容,热恋工设备部分包括锅炉、汽轮机、制冷设备等内容;热工 应用部分包括热能利用及专业英语写作等内容。全书共有44个单元,每个单 元则由课文、课文词汇、练习作业等组成。本书有较强的知识性和实用性,可作为高等院校能源动力类本科生的专 业英语教材,也适合作为从事相关专来的工程技术人员的学习参考资料。


PART Ⅰ BASIC OF PYROLOGYUnit 1 Heat TrarferUnit 2 The Convection ModeUnit 3 Radiation Heat TrarferUnit 4 Basic Concepts of ThermodynamicsUnit 5 Laws of ThermodynamicsUnit 6 Thermodynamic State of a SystemUnit 7 Fossil Fuels-Coal,Oil and Natural GasUnit 8 The Mechanisms of Gaseous Fuels CombustionUnit 9 The Combustion of Liquid Fuels and Solid FuelsUnit 10 Theoretical and Actual Combustion ProcessesUnit 11 Pressure and Pressure MeasurementUnit 12 Introduction to ThermocouplesUnit 13 Flow MeasurementUnit 14 Introduction to Control SystemsUnit 15 Examples of Control SystemsPART Ⅱ EQUIPMENT OF PYROLOGYUnit 1 Boiler(1)Unit 2 Boiler(2)Unit 3 Boiler(3)Unit 4 Steam Turbine(1)Unit 5 Steam Turbine(2)Unit 6 Steam Turbine(3)Unit 7 Steam Turbine(4)Unit 8 Steam Turbine(5)Unit 9 RefrigerationUnit 10 Refrigerator and Heat PumpsUnit 11 The Ideal and the Actual Vapor-Compression Refrigeration CycleUnit 12 Innovative Vapor-Compression Refrigeration SystemsUnit 13 Absorption RefrigerationUnit 14 Industrial VentilationUnit 15 Comfort VentilationPART Ⅲ RESEARCH PAPER AND WRITING OF PYROLOGYUnit 1 Solar EnergyUnit 2 Nuclear Energy-Fission and FusionUnit 3 Renewable Energy vs.Fossil FuelsUnit 4 Technological Application of High Temperature Air Combustionin Diluted/Rich ConditiorUnit 5 Advanced Control of Walking-Beam Reheating FurnaceUnit 6 Heat ExchangerUnit 7 Introduction to Fluid MechanicsUnit 8 Gas TurbineUnit 9 Integrated Gasification Combined CycleUnit 10 Several Boiler IntroductionUnit 11 Boiler Water TreatmentUnit 12 Air-Conditioning ProcessesUnit 13 Shell and Tube Heat ExchangerUnit 14 Writing of Research Paper






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