
出版时间:2007-8  出版社:新世界出版社  作者:桑吉扎西  页数:165  字数:180000  


The Potala Palace is regarded as an outstanding work of human imagination and creativity for its design, decoration and harmonious setting within a dramatic landscape, truly a potent and exceptional symbol of the integration of secular and religious authority into a single entity. The Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple in Lhasa for spiritualatic double act of spiritual and power, architectural splendor and faith enduring against all odds.


Introduction and Overview A. The Potala Palace B. The Jokhang Temple C. NorbulingkaJustification of the World Heritage Committee A. Description B. EvaluationThe Potala Palace A. History B. The White Palace and the Red Palace C. Holy Stupas of Dalai Lamas D. Chogyal Drubphuk and Phakpa Lhakhang E. Murals F. Architectural StylesThe Jokhang Temple A. History B. Architectural Layout C. Architectural Aesthetics D. Art of Decoration E. Murals and Sculptures F. Historical RelicsNorbulingka A. History B. Architectural Layout and Palaces C. Historical Relics D. Tibetan Opera E. Murals F. Garden Aesthetics G. Art of Decoration H. Masterpieces of Garden Design



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